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Print asks for permission (403) #2772

Closed davidoesch closed 8 years ago

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

Printing from "outside Bund" : a 403 is returned

Although I can not reproduce it, we had several customers who were able to do so (see eg helpdesk Customer feedback ID : 2015101913282565) and cleaning achace or restarting computer did not help

Error message after hitting the print button

"Die Website hat die Anzeige dieser Webseite abgelehnt. HTTP 403 Wahrscheinlichste Ursachen: •Diese Website erfordert, dass Sie sich anmelden. Mögliche Vorgehensweise: Wechseln Sie zur vorherigen Seite. Weitere Informationen Dieser Fehler (HTTP 403 Verboten) bedeutet, dass Internet Explorer eine Verbindung mit der Website herstellen konnte. Jedoch verfügen Sie nicht über die Berechtigung, um diese Webseite anzeigen zu können. Weitere Informationen über HTTP-Fehler erhalten Sie in der Hilfe.


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)


->assumption: this is the cas esince the varnish / s3 adaption ?

gjn commented 8 years ago

Looks like IE9. Might be security settings.

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

... We did once implement a solution for IE for enabling the pdf download- a side effect?

gjn commented 8 years ago

Could very well be. We recently switched our print back-ends, thus changed something in varnish configuration. Might be that this broke IE9 workaround.

I'll have a look Thursday.

gjn commented 8 years ago

We did a change in varnish by also requiring referer for print downloads (before, referer was only needed to create the print).

@danduk82 Could you please revert this change as it break IE9 printing. Instead of /print/* i [1], we should use "/print/.json"

I can test it on dev/int before going to prod. Let me know.

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

@gjn : I do it ASAP, I'm having a couple of issues right now because of the puppet 4 migration (which I was informed about only this morning by the way...).

cedricmoullet commented 8 years ago

@danduk82 any status update ?

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

I can push a "quick fix in production" in 15 min, or make it clean in a couple of hours. What do you prefer?

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

@gjn : can you test the new config on the infra ELB? Its DNS: btw this configuration includes already a bit of cleanup... We should test also DEV and INT addresses, as I have changed the backends (not the machines, only their definition in varnish)

gjn commented 8 years ago

@danduk82 I'll do it today. Can you provide a git diff?

gjn commented 8 years ago

@danduk82 There's no restriction at all. paths ending with print/info.json and print/create.json should be restricted. All others open.

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

@gjn of course there is: if req.url ~ "^/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml" || req.url ~ "^/1.0.0/legend/" -> no restrictions else -> referer check.

for printprogress and "/print/.*.pdf.printout" there is no check

gjn commented 8 years ago

I strictly tested print.

I assume your changes don't affect other regions. Full fletched tests needed?

gjn commented 8 years ago

all good

gjn commented 8 years ago

Let me know when it's ready to be tested on dev/int.

gjn commented 8 years ago

@danduk82 status?

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

I am still waiting for C2C to solve the puppet-related bug... I cannot deploy the branch until it is fixed.

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

and I do not want to push it on stable without proper testing. (of course)

gjn commented 8 years ago

Ok. let me know when it's done.

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

It is now applied on DEV and INT. The ACLs seem correct, but I get nothing with a curl on /print/info.json. But I get a json back when I test it on INT... Can you test it too?

procrastinatio commented 8 years ago

I did reinstall the print-war. All fine now.

gjn commented 8 years ago

@danduk82 For prod addresses, I think everything is good.

But for the adress on int, I'm not sure. Jenkins on int (using address without any DNS spoofing) fails with the GetCapabilities check (it's not protected there). Any idea why?

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

OK, I push it in a moment.

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

it is applied on prod. I have to check for INT

danduk82 commented 8 years ago

Actually, i was told to free WMTSCapabilites/ and legend/, so this behavior is normal. Should I restrict them instead?

gjn commented 8 years ago

Ok for me. We just need to adapt the tests then.

gjn commented 8 years ago

@danduk82 Prod tests are failing now too.

We will let varnish configuration as it is (open up WMTSCapabilities and Legend) and we adapt the tests. I'll prepare a PR for this in chsdi. So nothing to be done on your side.

danduk82 commented 8 years ago