geoadmin / mf-geoadmin3

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Use CSW geocat to feed content of infobox #3023

Open davidoesch opened 8 years ago

davidoesch commented 8 years ago



can be updated by geocat directly

mariokeusen commented 8 years ago

+100 for that in general Except for the datenstand: what about the auto-updates?

loicgasser commented 8 years ago

@ltclm This already the case no? Geocat info is directly imported the BOD. Now, I don't if it works with the new version of GeoCat.

ltclm commented 8 years ago

@loicgasser That's already the case now, yes, the import scripts are working with the new geocat version. @davidoesch what exactly do you want to change with this ticket? Do you want the layer info to be fetched directly from the csw service?

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

yes "Do you want the layer info to be fetched directly from the csw service?" -> but before we need the QS to be done on geocat side ( up to now done in BOD)

ltclm commented 8 years ago

we have to import / cache geocat in the bod, layer search sphinx indices have to be updated too with this information. but yes the qs has to be done in geocat.

loicgasser commented 8 years ago

This would be only for the infobox then. I am afraid the service will be a little slower. Also layer information is used to search for layers. What is the benefit of such an action? BOD is deployed and updated after each deploy.

gjn commented 8 years ago

Can we test performance to get this info from GeoCat directly? What's the rest services address?

ltclm commented 8 years ago

The information can be extracted from the following service url: p.e. ch.are.alpenkonvention SERVICE URL:

the geocat2bod interface is using xpath to do that.

My concerns:

loicgasser commented 8 years ago

From my point of view it's too much work for a less performant/stable solution. With a deploy every week this year metadata will be updated often enough.

If we still decide to go with it, I see 2 acceptable solutions:

  1. GeoCat service + front end templating
  2. Direct connection to GeoCat DB + templating backend

It would be great to have a common DB for GeoCat and MapGeoAdmin.

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

-csw uptime is an issue, I agree we don't control the service itis a SAAS contract with c2c

gjn commented 8 years ago

Clear process issue here as it shouldn't be automated because QS needs to be assured.

When IGKS does the geocat2bod, is everything on prod updated?

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

With the next deploy - yes

gjn commented 8 years ago

Not to forget: we have the meta info from geocat also in the getCaps of our WMS and WMTS. So at least, we need to cache this information somewhere for performance reaseon.

But I could well imagine an auto-import each x hours into bod prod...

ltclm commented 8 years ago

?? i think this it is not an option to auto import and publish data content to from geocat without QS.

gjn commented 8 years ago

QS should be in geocat. That's why I said we have a process issue.

Currently, we have info in geocat and in map.geo that is not the same - that's really wrong on many levels.

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

We have geocat2bod which is a human driven process for QS. it is all in place

gjn commented 8 years ago

So what exactly is the change that this issue should address?

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

To introduce a qs process in geocat and therefore we can omit geocat2bod. Status: geocat3 : a qs has still not been introduced. So this ticket is on hold.

gjn commented 8 years ago

"it is all in place" confused me :=). So we wait on geocat QS process....

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

View continue to wait .... Ping sca once in a while

davidoesch commented 6 years ago

I waited now for geocat... long

Still propose to update SPHINX and BOD at least once an hour: so changes done by data owner are then published faster.

gjn commented 6 years ago

So on their side, they are OK with it? QS is in place?

@ltclm @loicgasser This would, IMO, simply mean to automate geocat2bod. What do you think the effort for this is?

gjn commented 6 years ago

(btw: it would be great to be able to work on change sets instead of full update on each iteration. Not sure of geocat supports that though)

davidoesch commented 6 years ago

on their site: no QS is in place ---- but if we offer hourly updates a faulty entry can be changed fast.

gjn commented 6 years ago

So we need to inform them about it before we do it. And everybody involved has to give the go.

Then we do it.

ltclm commented 6 years ago

what exactly do you want to change, discussion here is a bit confusing [1]

  1. geocat ->bod_master
  2. geocat ->bod_master->dev->int->prod (sphinxsearch and api3 services, layerinfo, etc.)
  3. geocat-> api3 services (without bod)
  4. geocat -> wms-bgdi translation

geocat import is not only used for mf-geodmin, wms translation is also using this data. hourly deploy of bod, sorry but i think nobody wants that. can we move this to re4?


yes "Do you want the layer info to be fetched directly from the csw service?" -> but before we need the QS to be done on geocat side ( up to now done in BOD)

Still propose to update SPHINX and BOD at least once an hour: so changes done by data owner are then published faster.

gjn commented 6 years ago

+1 for RE4.

If we do it, then correctly. This means that all services that is using this meta information are updated. This includes WMTS/WMS Get capabilities. It could also mean that services using this data are set up differently, or we extract it from code.

We have 2 important goals for RE4: 1) one source of truth 2) if source of truth changes content, existing 'caches' need to update automatically

That's wild, I know.

ltclm commented 4 years ago

this is already implemented / realized 80%::

the services in red are not possible at the moment, we have to get rid of po files in chsi and hit the bod everytime a tooltip click is done, which is not a good idea. We need to cache somehow the db requests.

There was already an LBM EPIC exercise and discussion about that

ltclm commented 4 years ago
