geoadmin / mf-geoadmin3

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Add surface type in profile #3460

Open oterral opened 8 years ago

oterral commented 8 years ago

From #1912

From tlm . Using existing Services. Might need an update in data integration. Will show you the reference of outdooractive. Goal: are you hiking in forest or paved roads etc.... More 1:1

@gjn see screenshot above in tik description and eg

but IMHO we need for this

snapping to fit it to TLM vector info ( hiking trails do contain a surface info) or as a workaround use the service for ch.swisstopo.vec25-primaerflaechen and a add this info to the height service...

gjn commented 8 years ago

Snapping is a different issue - the binding to the primaerflaechen we could probably do right now.

davidoesch commented 8 years ago

For This we need sth like a surface service or integrate the surface info into the profile service

gjn commented 8 years ago


davidoesch commented 8 years ago

-To double check with topo if there is a tlm based solution. Because vec25 is not updated.

loicgasser commented 7 years ago

We can use the outer ring for a polygon. Note: This can also be done front-end.

loicgasser commented 7 years ago

I am not sure we can add this info with the current techno. We rely on But yes, if we want it this should be pre-proccessed.

davidoesch commented 7 years ago

If we store it in BT: we have highcost ti update surface information

gjn commented 7 years ago

Several profile related issues now. Might be time for a brainstorm session.

davidoesch commented 7 years ago