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Add GeoHealthcheck Status site for all WMS/WMTS/CSW #4133

Open davidoesch opened 6 years ago

davidoesch commented 6 years ago

Since we have now quite a lot of WMS GeoHealthCheck (or similar) qould be nice to

check GetMap and GetCap etc eg as in

for all service listed in CSW Geocat and or in

what do you think? overkill? @p1d1d1 @mariokeusen @gjn @procrastinatio ?

p1d1d1 commented 6 years ago

imho overkill

procrastinatio commented 6 years ago

The main issue is changing addresses, perfomance is less important It would be nice to configure the WM(T)S list in dynamically, and to checkif the listed backend are effectively responding (or suported in one way or another)

When working with cantons, if everyone is changing a configuration only one every two years, we have to adapte something every month.

oterral commented 6 years ago

We can do that with jenkins like we did for cantonal portals links.

davidoesch commented 6 years ago

@procrastinatio I'm working on a python script which does that

loicgasser commented 6 years ago

Lol @davidoesch Reviews will be mercyless. :D

gjn commented 6 years ago

Nice to have: have a clean, working list.

Not nice to have: check 50+ external WMS/WMTS resources, who can fail for any reason, at any time and then run after each failure to detect what the problem was. That's quite an overhead...not sure it should be a priority.

I'd prefer a jenkins job that is passive (no pingdom like alarms) - if at all.

BUT: we absolutley should something technology to test our wms/wmts services in more detail! I would help to avoid many things we had in the past - most notably the outage of some WMTS layers we had last wekk. Not convince if GoeHealthCheck is the right tool for it.

oterral commented 6 years ago

@davidoesch is your python script ready ?

davidoesch commented 6 years ago

it is...

(level : script kiddie)

oterral commented 6 years ago

I think the next step are:

danduk82 commented 6 years ago

tbd, what do we want to see:

if the second for our own resources, we have the build checks in all the projects (esp. service-proxywms) and pingdom. For external wms, I don't like the idea of adding a new external unknown dependency that will break our deploys even more...