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No tiles request on Firefox with IDN domain name #110

Closed procrastinatio closed 9 years ago

procrastinatio commented 9 years ago

Via geoadmin-api mailing list:

I registered my domain, received the confirmation e-mail and copied your "API Quick start" example on this URL:


On Chrome, Safari and IE it works fine, but in Firefox (both Mac and Windows) I get a blank map. Is this a bug from Firefox or GeoAdmin API, that doesn't handle accented domain names? Note the cedilla in my domain name.

Tested with latest version of Firefox on latest OS version:

I did check on the S3, there is effectively no request for tiles with these settings. The API files (html, js and css) are correctly handled though.

gjn commented 9 years ago

Can't open at all in FF31. I assume because of the cedilla.

procrastinatio commented 9 years ago

To me it is most likely a browser issue, but we have to be aware of, because we are starting to register a few IDN domain name in varnish.

cedricmoullet commented 9 years ago

Browser issue