geoadmin / ol3

OpenLayers 3
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Bezugsrahmenwechsel LV03 to LV95 #147

Closed nadine-piveteau closed 6 years ago

nadine-piveteau commented 6 years ago

Changes in OL3 related to the transition of reference system from LV03 to LV95

nadine-piveteau commented 6 years ago

When I resolve these conflicts, errors occur after having built the app (make -f Makefile-ga build-ga). @oterral : Any suggestions? Thx in advance!

nadine-piveteau commented 6 years ago

Example "GeoAdmin feature recenter example" does not work yet because of this line in examples/ga-features.js. It appears that function recenterFeature zooms to a feature in the dataset ch.swisstopo.fixpunkte-agnes (featureId = 'PAYE') which is most probably still in LV03. Via a REST request this information is fetched here.

@oterral : Do you agree that nothing needs to be changed in OL in this regard?

oterral commented 6 years ago

Yes nothing in OL.

You need to add the parameter '&sr=2056' here, here and here

To test, you must hardcode the service url here to use th LV 95branch :

this.serviceUrl = ""
nadine-piveteau commented 6 years ago

Great, it works! Thx! I'll push it right away

nadine-piveteau commented 6 years ago

Just to be sure: ga-tms.js doesn't need any modification as it uses pixel indices and not a spatial reference system. @oterral : You agree?

oterral commented 6 years ago

I agree

oterral commented 6 years ago

Thx @nadine-piveteau for the nice work!!!