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search by lat/lon coordinates #149

Closed phrixothrixa closed 3 years ago

phrixothrixa commented 3 years ago

Hello! How can I get building information with endpoint with lat/lon coordinates? Can I convert lat/lon to bbox for it somehow?

davidoesch commented 3 years ago

Use the GeoAdmin API Forum to ask questions: regrading api. TL;DR: lat lon you have to convert them to LV03 or LV95 and use the identify interface and use the dataset ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register

davidoesch commented 3 years ago

and of course lat long is supported by the identify service

sr (optional) The spatial reference. Supported values: 21781 (LV03), 2056 (LV95), 4326 (WGS84) and 3857 (Web Pseudo-Mercator). Defaults to “21781”.