geoand / quarkus-test-demo

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WireMock.verify fails with Connection refused #1

Open Manfred73 opened 1 year ago

Manfred73 commented 1 year ago

I've been following this example to test my resource, which in turn calls an external resource. I used WireMock to mock the external resource call as described in this demo:

The stubbing part works fine and I can test the result with RestAssured. But verficiation of the right URL being used at the end of the test fails with a connection refused on localhost:8080.

My application-test.yaml:

   baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8088'

My WireMock proxy class:

public class MyWireMockProxy implements QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager {
   public static final String URL = "v1/files/12345";
   private static final int WIREMOCK_PORT = 8079;

   WireMockServer wireMockServer;

   public Map<String, String> start() {
      wireMockServer = new WireMockServer(WIREMOCK_PORT);

      // NOTE: not using the Quarkus rest client here like ""
      // because that doesn't seem to work well with StreamingOutput; instead using the default JAX-RS method as described
      // here:
      // Is this maybe causing any issue with WireMock?
      return Collections.singletonMap("files.baseUrl", wireMockServer.baseUrl());

   private static void stubForFilesQueryResource() {
      try (final var is = Files.newInputStream(ResourceReader.getAbsolutePathFromClassLoaderResourceAsPath("files/myFile.txt"))) {
                                .withHeader("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
         throw new UnexpectedTestException(ioe);

   public void stop() {
      if (wireMockServer != null) {

The FilesITProfile to make sure integration test uses the application-test.yaml:

public class FilesITProfile implements QuarkusTestProfile {
   public String getConfigProfile() {
      return "test";

The IntegrationTest:

class FilesQueryResourceHappyFlowIntegrationTest extends TestIntegrationBase {

   @DisplayName("When a GET request with id of a file is done, I expect a number of 2 records to be returned")
   void expect_number_of_2_records_returned_when_get_by_id() {
      // GIVEN / WHEN
      final var jsonPath = given()
            .pathParam("id", "12345")

      // THEN
      final var numberOfRecords = getResultFromResponseResult(NumberOfRecords.class, jsonPath);

      // HERE IT FAILS with:
      // org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpHostConnectException:
      //      Connect to http://localhost:8080 [localhost/] failed: Connection refused
      WireMock.verify(getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo(URL)) // URL is defined in MyWireMockProxy class
            .withHeader("Content-Type", containing(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)));

So everything works fine up till the stubbing and assertions of the result. But the WireMock.verify fails with an exception Connection refused on localhost:8080. I'm not sure where the localhost:8080 is coming from (looks like some default) since I'm using port 8079 as WIREMOCK_PORT and also in my application-test.yaml the port is 8088 and not 8080.

I've been trying out some things suggested here, but none of them seem to help:

Verification works fine with a spring application, but that's configured differently using spring annotations:

@AutoConfigureWireMock(port = 8079)

static void setDynamicProperties(final DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
    registry.add("files.baseUrl", () -> "http://localhost:8079/" + BASE_PATH);

Am I missing some configuration or is this a bug?

geoand commented 1 year ago

I haven't checked this in a while to be honest

Manfred73 commented 1 year ago

Cloned your project to give it a try there (updating quarkus version to 2.15.3.Final, java version to 17, disabling preview and added version for assertj).



to RegularCountriesServiceTest and the test passes.

The difference between this test is and my test is that yours uses @QuarkusTest and in my test I use @QuarkusIntegrationTest together with RestAssured, because I want my integration tests to run against the native image.