geobtaa / geoblacklight_admin

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Issue when trying to add new user #20

Open yalamber opened 9 months ago

yalamber commented 9 months ago

When trying to add new users I receive error page.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 12 49 38

Upon checking production log Here is the error message. F, [2023-10-16T07:04:26.848279 #1] FATAL -- : [148c684e-d8b9-48a1-96b3-de452a980a29]
[148c684e-d8b9-48a1-96b3-de452a980a29] ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant Devise::InvitationsController): [148c684e-d8b9-48a1-96b3-de452a980a29]

yalamber commented 9 months ago

I am also not able to access users/edit page there is following helpers missing error. FATAL -- : [d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb]
[d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `bootstrap_devise_error_messages!' for #): [d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 1:

<%= t('.title', resource: resource_name.to_s.humanize) %>

[d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 2: [d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 3: <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: user_registration_path(resource_name), html: { method: :put }) do |f| %> [d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 4: <%= bootstrap_devise_error_messages! %> [d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 5: [d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 6:
[d90873b5-ead1-4bd4-a6c0-6e18f2c7cbfb] 7: <%= f.label :email %>

ewlarson commented 9 months ago

Hey @yalamber -- Thanks for reporting this issue and my apologies for all the trouble getting this off the ground on your end. Looks like a couple gem dependency issues here: devise_invitable and bootstrap_devise_error_messages.

I've cycled off the GeoBlacklight work for the moment, but I'll try and get these issues resolved within the week. You might also glance through the source code of the BTAA Geoportal to see if there are any answers over there:

Our 5.0 release is running GBL Admin in production.

yalamber commented 9 months ago

Works after adding devise_invitable and devise-bootstrap-views gems

ewlarson commented 9 months ago

Reopening, just so we get those dependencies properly loaded via this codebase too.

karenmajewicz commented 8 months ago

I am not sure if this is related, but our student RA has not been able was able to accept the invite to use our dev site - it keeps saying he has a pending invite. (However, they have been able to access the prod site.) Could we maybe delete his user and I can try to re-add him?

ewlarson commented 8 months ago

I've seen this issue once in a blue moon in Gimlet, too. The invitation is somehow not marked as accepted, but there's no clear way to re-accept the invite. Send me the email address of this user on Slack and I'll mark the invite as accepted in rails console.