geocoder-php / GeocoderLaravel

Geocoder service provider for Laravel
MIT License
701 stars 102 forks source link

Getting empty result set #111

Closed Norgul closed 6 years ago

Norgul commented 6 years ago

General Information

GeocoderLaravel Version: 4.0 Laravel Version: 5.5 PHP Version: 7.0.0. Operating System and Version: MacOS High Sierra

Issue Description

I am getting an empty array no matter what I do with the package. I have installed it through Composer and added to app.php


Published the config, which is located in geocoder.php

use Geocoder\Provider\Chain\Chain;
use Geocoder\Provider\GeoPlugin\GeoPlugin;
use Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps;
use Http\Client\Curl\Client;

return [
    'cache-duration' => 9999999,
    'providers' => [
        Chain::class => [
            GoogleMaps::class => [
            GeoPlugin::class  => [],
    'adapter'  => Client::class,

And added Google API key to my .env file under GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY name.

First I tried with

return Geocoder::geocode(request()->ip())->get();

But that returned []. After that I went to check the documentation again and used the example from there:

return app('geocoder')->geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->get();

I also tried:

return app('geocoder')->geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->get(1); return app('geocoder')->geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->all();

But again nothing. What may be the issue?

I cleared the composer and artisan cache, and ran composer dump-autoload also. Same issue

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

Hi @Norgul, For Laravel 5.5 it is important NOT to register the provider manually. That might be causing the issue. Please remove the provider from config/app.php and try again and let me know how that goes.

Also, try using the default config first, before publishing the config. Go ahead and delete the published config file and try again.

Let me know how those go, and we'll go from there.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I thought only alias was automatically registered. Anyway, I removed the provider and ran composer dump-autoload. Also deleted the config file. Same thing happens

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

OK, lets try running the unit tests next. SSH into Laravel Homestead, and go to your project folder. Then type the following:

cd vendor/toin0u/geocoder-laravel
composer install

Please run the tests a few times if you get errors, as some of the services block access temporarily from local dev environments. If you get consistent errors, please paste them here.

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

Please update to the latest version of the package. You should be running 4.0.3. Also, please make sure to clear you cache and try again.

php artisan cache:clear
Norgul commented 6 years ago

I think that Mockery failed composer installation for some reason, and when I repeat the process it says there is nothing to install or update.

When I ran the tests, every test failed, but I don't see how it should pass if Mockery isn't installed.

The "readable" errors I could see were something like:


Caused by
PDOException: could not find driver

Caused by
Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException: could not find driver
9) Geocoder\Laravel\Tests\Laravel5_5\Providers\GeocoderServiceTest::testConfig
Illuminate\Database\QueryException: could not find driver (SQL: select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = migrations)
Norgul commented 6 years ago

I tried deleting the vendor file and doing composer install again after clearing composer cache, and now even more failed packages

screenshot at dec 07 22-00-31
mikebronner commented 6 years ago

It looks like you might have some internet connectivity issues, or perhaps ISP issues, which might be causing your lookups to fail. At this point I don't see anything that points to the package causing the problem.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

Oh, actually now I see that below that it says Downloading it is downloading it after all.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I ran the tests again, this is the first one on the list

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE                                        26 / 26 (100%)

Time: 2.6 seconds, Memory: 22.00MB

There were 26 errors:

1) Geocoder\Laravel\Tests\Laravel5_5\Providers\GeocoderServiceTest::testItReverseGeocodesCoordinates
Illuminate\Database\QueryException: could not find driver (SQL: select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = migrations)
Norgul commented 6 years ago

Also if I try to do this:

return \Geocoder::geocode('Los Angeles, CA')->all();

I get the error response that class Geocoder is not found? How is that possible if it registers it automatically?

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I also tried diving into the code and dumping $this->aggregator->getProviders() and I am only getting back

    "chain": {}

Is that the problem? Why isn't GoogleMaps registered?

Norgul commented 6 years ago

Is Google maps API key mandatory? I suppose it is, I tried with JS API key, and embed API key, and with no key at all. Same result

On the sidenote, I am running my environment inside a Vagrant box

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

Sorry @Norgul at this point it looks more like something with your project, implementation, configuration, or development environment. :( Please try an a fresh Laravel project and make sure GeocoderLaravel is up-to-date.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I tried the fresh installation also, and I get the same result.

Could you confirm two things:

  1. Geocoder works within vagrant virtual box?
  2. Geocoder needs Google maps API key? (if yes, which one? Javascript one?)
mikebronner commented 6 years ago
  1. It works in Laravel Homestead -- I cannot guarantee it works in any other flavor of vagrant box.
  2. Yes, I believe it's the javascript one. Please consult the documentation for the parent project as to the exact requirements:
Norgul commented 6 years ago

I tried using Google Geocoding API key instead of Google Maps one (since that says under original repository, tests section) but still nothing.

Installing fresh Laravel app even on another machine (Win 10), even with new homestead, returns empty set. Clearing all cache didn't help either. Running Chrome in incognito didn't help.

One thing I noticed in the documentation was saying to set HTTPS to true, but I didn't see that option anywhere?

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

I honestly have no idea what might not be right at this time in your project. Is it in a public repo so that I can look at it?

Norgul commented 6 years ago

Nope, it's a business private app, but I can put the test repo up...even though I'm not sure what may be the issue or what may be different as I am doing things this way:

  1. laravel new some_project
  2. installing package through composer
  3. provisioning vagrant, clearing cache
  4. adding ENV google API key
  5. test
  6. fail
mikebronner commented 6 years ago

OK, post up a test project repo, and I will try to replicate the problem. If it works on my end, it is an environmental issue in your dev environment. If its a code issue I should be able to see it.

Norgul commented 6 years ago


There, you can check it out. Thanks

dv0s commented 6 years ago

What does the Google maps API return on the URL this package tries to address? Had the same issue what you describe and came to the conclusion that Google Maps refused to send me the results.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

You mean this?


When I replace the address and paste this to browser I get the results back.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I think you should change the documentation, and on top of that maybe even the code as it is somewhat unclear now.

First, Google API key is not mandatory.

After I did dd(app('geocoder')->geocode('')->get()) I am infact getting the results back. But saying that it is working as a Laravel collection is I think not true as once again, if I don't die and dump, I see nothing.

Where I'd expect to do app('geocoder')->geocode('')->get()->country to fetch country from geocoded result, I actually need to do this:


This by itself looks in my opinion a bit too complex, but even with that in mind, I'd get to it somehow if I got the dump back on my screen with the simple get()

You can consider this issue closed. Thank you for the time

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

@Norgul the result you get is a true Laravel Collection consisting of results. You need to operate on each individually as you would otherwise if it weren't a laravel collection. But because it is a laravel collection, you can manipulate it with all the accustomed Collection methods.

Glad to see you have it working.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I'm just referring to what the package had for Laravel 4.2 version. It was like this


Seems like a much cleaner solution in my opinion

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

It has since been completely overhauled. If you want a more bare-bones implementation, you might consider just pulling in the parent package instead of this one.

Norgul commented 6 years ago

I won't get in the reasons of overhaul nor how you meant the package the function. I would just for the sake of users like myself recommend for a bit more details in the documentation about how to actually get the data :)

mikebronner commented 6 years ago

Sure, I agree :). Please feel free to submit a PR with your suggestions.

andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

Same problem here, but with reverse(): image

But if I do this with geocode(), It works: image

andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I got problems with my API Key. But, I suggest you show or throw an error instead of empty results.

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same problem with reverse() returning empty.

How did you solve this issue regarding API key?

andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

Hi, @brentscholl ! I think I did: dd(app('geocoder')->reverse('10.5', '-75.2'));, then I search for the URL and I click on it. I could see the error in the browser. I had to create a new API Project in Google.

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the response!

Hmm. Ok the big difference is dd(app('geocoder')->reverse('10.5', '-75.2')) returns a result. I found the URL. When I click on it, it returns the JSON results.

But dd(app('geocoder')->reverse('10.5', '-75.2')->get()->first()) returns null

I'm having an issue where I can not use getStreetName() or getCountry() etc.

dd(app('geocoder')->reverse('10.5', '-75.2')->get()->first()->getCountry()); returns Call to a member function getCountry() on null

Am I doing something wrong?

andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

app('geocoder')->reverse('10.5', '-75.2')->get(); should return a Collection. If it doesn't, it's not working. This worked for me: image

Can you show us your JSON result? It has to look like this: image

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

When I visit the URL,-108.297923&region=en-US&key=[MY API KEY HERE]

I get this: json

dd(app('geocoder')->reverse('52.7737667', '-108.2977717'));

Gives me an empty collection screencapture-127-0-0-1-8080-register-2018-07-31-21_34_00

dd(app('geocoder')->reverse('52.7737667', '-108.2977717')->get()->first()); is just null

andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

Could you try with use Geocoder\Laravel\Facades\Geocoder; instead of app('geocoder').

Do you see something strange when you do: dd(Geocoder::reverse($this->latitude, $this->longitude))?

This is what I get:

Geocoder\Laravel\ProviderAndDumperAggregator {#1250
  #aggregator: Geocoder\ProviderAggregator {#1234
    -providers: array:1 [
      "chain" => Geocoder\Provider\Chain\Chain {#1226
        -providers: array:2 [
          "Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps" => Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps {#1251
            -region: "es"
            -apiKey: "[API_KEY]"
            -clientId: null
            -privateKey: null
            -channel: null
            -client: Http\Client\Curl\Client {#1230
              -options: []
              -messageFactory: Http\Message\MessageFactory\GuzzleMessageFactory {#1233}
              -streamFactory: Http\Message\StreamFactory\GuzzleStreamFactory {#1229}
              -handle: curl resource {@566
                url: ",-75.338295&region=es&key=[API_KEY]"
                content_type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
                http_code: 200
                header_size: 428
                request_size: 161
                filetime: -1
                ssl_verify_result: 0
                redirect_count: 0
                total_time: 0.536174
                namelookup_time: 0.029547
                connect_time: 0.072192
                pretransfer_time: 0.256232
                size_upload: 0.0
                size_download: 9384.0
                speed_download: 17501.0
                speed_upload: 0.0
                download_content_length: -1.0
                upload_content_length: -1.0
                starttransfer_time: 0.530471
                redirect_time: 0.0
                redirect_url: ""
                primary_ip: ""
                certinfo: []
                primary_port: 443
                local_ip: ""
                local_port: 33486
              -multiRunner: null
            -messageFactory: Http\Message\MessageFactory\GuzzleMessageFactory {#1252}
          "Geocoder\Provider\GeoPlugin\GeoPlugin" => Geocoder\Provider\GeoPlugin\GeoPlugin {#1257
            -client: Http\Client\Curl\Client {#1231
              -options: []
              -messageFactory: Http\Message\MessageFactory\GuzzleMessageFactory {#1255}
              -streamFactory: Http\Message\StreamFactory\GuzzleStreamFactory {#1259}
              -handle: null
              -multiRunner: null
            -messageFactory: Http\Message\MessageFactory\GuzzleMessageFactory {#1260}
        #logger: null
    -provider: null
    -limit: 5
    -decider: "Geocoder\ProviderAggregator::getProvider"
  #limit: null
  #results: Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1228
    #items: array:5 [
      0 => Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\Model\GoogleAddress {#1344
        -id: "ChIJp9WxVooV9o4RwkX_Nm6YOgs"
        -locationType: "GEOMETRIC_CENTER"
        -resultType: array:1 [
          0 => "route"
        -formattedAddress: "Sta Catalina-Bayunca, Clemencia, Bolívar, Colombia"
        -streetAddress: null
        -intersection: null
        -political: "Colombia"
        -colloquialArea: null
        -ward: null
        -neighborhood: null
        -premise: null
        -subpremise: null
        -naturalFeature: null
        -airport: null
        -park: null
        -pointOfInterest: null
        -establishment: null
        -subLocalityLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1347
          -adminLevels: []
        -coordinates: Geocoder\Model\Coordinates {#1339
          -latitude: 10.5687494
          -longitude: -75.3387248
        -bounds: Geocoder\Model\Bounds {#1340
          -south: 10.5681745
          -west: -75.339734
          -north: 10.5693243
          -east: -75.3377155
        -streetNumber: null
        -streetName: "Santa Catalina-Bayunca"
        -subLocality: null
        -locality: null
        -postalCode: "130517"
        -adminLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1345
          -adminLevels: array:2 [
            1 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1342
              -level: 1
              -name: "Bolívar"
              -code: "Bolívar"
            2 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1341
              -level: 2
              -name: "Clemencia"
              -code: "Clemencia"
        -country: Geocoder\Model\Country {#1343
          -name: "Colombia"
          -code: "CO"
        -timezone: null
        -providedBy: "google_maps"
      1 => Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\Model\GoogleAddress {#1352
        -id: "ChIJRXVAr4sV9o4Rxkxkp8VTPJo"
        -locationType: "APPROXIMATE"
        -resultType: array:2 [
          0 => "locality"
          1 => "political"
        -formattedAddress: "El Socorro, Clemencia, Bolívar, Colombia"
        -streetAddress: null
        -intersection: null
        -political: "Colombia"
        -colloquialArea: null
        -ward: null
        -neighborhood: null
        -premise: null
        -subpremise: null
        -naturalFeature: null
        -airport: null
        -park: null
        -pointOfInterest: null
        -establishment: null
        -subLocalityLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1355
          -adminLevels: []
        -coordinates: Geocoder\Model\Coordinates {#1338
          -latitude: 10.569009
          -longitude: -75.337419
        -bounds: Geocoder\Model\Bounds {#1348
          -south: 10.5676769
          -west: -75.339072
          -north: 10.5703411
          -east: -75.335765
        -streetNumber: null
        -streetName: null
        -subLocality: null
        -locality: "El Socorro"
        -postalCode: null
        -adminLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1353
          -adminLevels: array:2 [
            1 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1350
              -level: 1
              -name: "Bolívar"
              -code: "Bolívar"
            2 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1349
              -level: 2
              -name: "Clemencia"
              -code: "Clemencia"
        -country: Geocoder\Model\Country {#1351
          -name: "Colombia"
          -code: "CO"
        -timezone: null
        -providedBy: "google_maps"
      2 => Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\Model\GoogleAddress {#1360
        -id: "ChIJmw9Oio8V9o4ROYQf5Us6wKE"
        -locationType: "APPROXIMATE"
        -resultType: array:2 [
          0 => "administrative_area_level_2"
          1 => "political"
        -formattedAddress: "Clemencia, Bolívar, Colombia"
        -streetAddress: null
        -intersection: null
        -political: "Colombia"
        -colloquialArea: null
        -ward: null
        -neighborhood: null
        -premise: null
        -subpremise: null
        -naturalFeature: null
        -airport: null
        -park: null
        -pointOfInterest: null
        -establishment: null
        -subLocalityLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1363
          -adminLevels: []
        -coordinates: Geocoder\Model\Coordinates {#1346
          -latitude: 10.568962
          -longitude: -75.3257409
        -bounds: Geocoder\Model\Bounds {#1356
          -south: 10.5046889
          -west: -75.3887419
          -north: 10.6183249
          -east: -75.23376
        -streetNumber: null
        -streetName: null
        -subLocality: null
        -locality: null
        -postalCode: null
        -adminLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1361
          -adminLevels: array:2 [
            1 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1358
              -level: 1
              -name: "Bolívar"
              -code: "Bolívar"
            2 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1357
              -level: 2
              -name: "Clemencia"
              -code: "Clemencia"
        -country: Geocoder\Model\Country {#1359
          -name: "Colombia"
          -code: "CO"
        -timezone: null
        -providedBy: "google_maps"
      3 => Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\Model\GoogleAddress {#1368
        -id: "ChIJXyrP2cYV9o4Ry0zVG1UHAaM"
        -locationType: "APPROXIMATE"
        -resultType: array:1 [
          0 => "postal_code"
        -formattedAddress: "Clemencia, Bolívar, Colombia"
        -streetAddress: null
        -intersection: null
        -political: "Colombia"
        -colloquialArea: null
        -ward: null
        -neighborhood: null
        -premise: null
        -subpremise: null
        -naturalFeature: null
        -airport: null
        -park: null
        -pointOfInterest: null
        -establishment: null
        -subLocalityLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1371
          -adminLevels: []
        -coordinates: Geocoder\Model\Coordinates {#1354
          -latitude: 10.5554093
          -longitude: -75.3528779
        -bounds: Geocoder\Model\Bounds {#1364
          -south: 10.50464
          -west: -75.3887581
          -north: 10.6182761
          -east: -75.2337771
        -streetNumber: null
        -streetName: null
        -subLocality: null
        -locality: null
        -postalCode: "130517"
        -adminLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1369
          -adminLevels: array:2 [
            1 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1366
              -level: 1
              -name: "Bolívar"
              -code: "Bolívar"
            2 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1365
              -level: 2
              -name: "Clemencia"
              -code: "Clemencia"
        -country: Geocoder\Model\Country {#1367
          -name: "Colombia"
          -code: "CO"
        -timezone: null
        -providedBy: "google_maps"
      4 => Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\Model\GoogleAddress {#1375
        -id: "ChIJhWiv4EXQWI4RFZYP9gSTAaY"
        -locationType: "APPROXIMATE"
        -resultType: array:2 [
          0 => "administrative_area_level_1"
          1 => "political"
        -formattedAddress: "Bolivar, Colombia"
        -streetAddress: null
        -intersection: null
        -political: "Colombia"
        -colloquialArea: null
        -ward: null
        -neighborhood: null
        -premise: null
        -subpremise: null
        -naturalFeature: null
        -airport: null
        -park: null
        -pointOfInterest: null
        -establishment: null
        -subLocalityLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1378
          -adminLevels: []
        -coordinates: Geocoder\Model\Coordinates {#1362
          -latitude: 8.6704382
          -longitude: -74.0300122
        -bounds: Geocoder\Model\Bounds {#1372
          -south: 6.999522
          -west: -75.7991099
          -north: 10.803259
          -east: -73.7470541
        -streetNumber: null
        -streetName: null
        -subLocality: null
        -locality: null
        -postalCode: null
        -adminLevels: Geocoder\Model\AdminLevelCollection {#1376
          -adminLevels: array:1 [
            1 => Geocoder\Model\AdminLevel {#1373
              -level: 1
              -name: "Bolivar"
              -code: "Bolivar"
        -country: Geocoder\Model\Country {#1374
          -name: "Colombia"
          -code: "CO"
        -timezone: null
        -providedBy: "google_maps"
brentscholl commented 6 years ago

I tried what you suggest. Just the same result.

ProviderAndDumperAggregator {#954 ▼
  #aggregator: ProviderAggregator {#955 ▼
    -providers: array:1 [▼
      "chain" => Chain {#982 ▼
        -providers: array:2 [▼
          "Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps" => GoogleMaps {#969 ▼
            -region: "es"
            -apiKey: "[MY API KEY]"
            -clientId: null
            -privateKey: null
            -channel: null
            -client: Client {#963 ▼
              -options: []
              -messageFactory: GuzzleMessageFactory {#965}
              -streamFactory: GuzzleStreamFactory {#967}
              -handle: curl resource @437 ▼
                url: ",-108.297923&region=es&key={MY API KEY]"
                content_type: null
                http_code: 0
                header_size: 0
                request_size: 0
                filetime: -1
                ssl_verify_result: 20
                redirect_count: 0
                total_time: 0.297
                namelookup_time: 1.0E-6
                connect_time: 0.125
                pretransfer_time: 0.0
                size_upload: 0.0
                size_download: 0.0
                speed_download: 0.0
                speed_upload: 0.0
                download_content_length: -1.0
                upload_content_length: -1.0
                starttransfer_time: 0.0
                redirect_time: 0.0
                redirect_url: ""
                primary_ip: ""
                certinfo: []
                primary_port: 443
                local_ip: ""
                local_port: 60896
              -multiRunner: null
            -messageFactory: GuzzleMessageFactory {#970}
          "Geocoder\Provider\GeoPlugin\GeoPlugin" => GeoPlugin {#977 ▶}
        #logger: null
    -provider: null
    -limit: 5
    -decider: "Geocoder\ProviderAggregator::getProvider"
  #limit: null
  #results: Collection {#1025 ▼
    #items: []
andreshg112 commented 6 years ago



use Geocoder\Provider\Chain\Chain;
use Geocoder\Provider\GeoPlugin\GeoPlugin;
use Geocoder\Provider\GoogleMaps\GoogleMaps;
use Http\Client\Curl\Client;

return [
    'cache' => [

        | Cache Store
        | Specify the cache store to use for caching. The value "null" will use
        | the default cache store specified in /config/cache.php file.
        | Default: null

        'store' => null,

        | Cache Duration
        | Specify the cache duration in minutes. The default approximates a
        | "forever" cache, but there are certain issues with Laravel's forever
        | caching methods that prevent us from using them in this project.
        | Default: 9999999 (integer)

        'duration' => 9999999,

    | Providers
    | Here you may specify any number of providers that should be used to
    | perform geocaching operations. The `chain` provider is special,
    | in that it can contain multiple providers that will be run in
    | the sequence listed, should the previous provider fail. By
    | default the first provider listed will be used, but you
    | can explicitly call subsequently listed providers by
    | alias: `app('geocoder')->using('google_maps')`.
    | Please consult the official Geocoder documentation for more info.
    'providers' => [
        Chain::class => [
            GoogleMaps::class => [
                env('GOOGLE_MAPS_LOCALE', 'en-US'),
            GeoPlugin::class  => [],

    | Adapter
    | You can specify which PSR-7-compliant HTTP adapter you would like to use.
    | There are multiple options at your disposal: CURL, Guzzle, and others.
    | Please consult the official Geocoder documentation for more info.
    | Default: Client::class (FQCN for CURL adapter)
    'adapter'  => Client::class,

    | Reader
    | You can specify a reader for specific providers, like GeoIp2, which
    | connect to a local file-database. The reader should be set to an
    | instance of the required reader class.
    | Please consult the official Geocoder documentation for more info.
    | Default: null
    'reader' => null,



andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

Have you tried php artisan cache:clear?

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

My config/geocoder.php is same as yours. and yes tried php artisan cache:clear same result. I have also done everything Norgul has done.

(also, see my edit answer above for JSON)

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

dd(app('geocoder')->geocode('')->get()->first()->getCountry()->getName()); works fine. It is only a problem when I use reverse() so I feel like my config is all fine? I'm not sure what I'm missing. I'm not using a virtual box, my project is local using php artisan serve

andreshg112 commented 6 years ago

geocode() almost always works because It doesn't use google maps or any API key. I use Lampp (Xampp). Have you tried stopping your firewall for a moment?

And I'm using this version: "toin0u/geocoder-laravel": "^4.0"

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

Just tried. Getting same results. Empty Collection

brentscholl commented 6 years ago

in the Docs it says

you must also use set HTTPS to true

Where is this?