geocollections / geokogud2

Eesti geokogude infosüsteem
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add Estonian layers to maps #169

Closed ollehints closed 5 years ago

ollehints commented 5 years ago

Maps on different pages should include Estonian Land Board tile layers like in sarv-edit app. If locality is from Estonia, the Estonian tile layer should be shown by default instead of mapbox layer.

      tileProviders: [
              name: 'Maaameti fotokaart',
              maxZoom: 18,
              minZoom: 6,
              leafletObject: L.tileLayer(
                '{z}/{x}/{-y}.png&ASUTUS=TALTECH&KESKKOND=LIVE&IS=SARV', {
                  attribution: 'Eesti kaardid: <a  href=\'\'>Maa-amet</a>',
                  tms: true,
                  worldCopyJump: true,
                  detectRetina: true,
                  zIndex: 1,
                  updateWhenIdle: true,
                  continuousWorld: true,})
              name: 'Maaameti kaart',
              maxZoom: 18,
              minZoom: 6,
              leafletObject: L.tileLayer(
                '{z}/{x}/{-y}.png&ASUTUS=TALTECH&KESKKOND=LIVE&IS=SARV', {
                  attribution: 'Eesti kaardid: <a  href=\'\'>Maa-amet</a>',      tms: true,
                  worldCopyJump: true,
                  detectRetina: true,
                  zIndex: 1,
                  updateWhenIdle: true,
                  continuousWorld: true
              name: 'Maaameti hübriidkaart',
              leafletObject: L.tileLayer(
                '{z}/{x}/{-y}.png&ASUTUS=TALTECH&KESKKOND=LIVE&IS=SARV', {
                  attribution: 'Eesti kaardid: <a  href=\'\'>Maa-amet</a>',     tms: true,
                  worldCopyJump: true,
                  detectRetina: true,
                  zIndex: 2,
                  updateWhenIdle: true,
                  continuousWorld: true,