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'shapely' access methods #221

Closed Nowosad closed 2 months ago

Nowosad commented 8 months ago

now added a reference to the place where '.geoms' is mentioned, but it's not really explained; there is no comprehensive overview of 'shapely' access methods in the book at the moment. we could add a section about that (e.g.,, will be happy to hear what you think

How about you add a paragraph (+table?) in with 'shapely' access methods?

michaeldorman commented 2 months ago

IMHO this may be beyond the scope of the book; at the end of the above-mentioned paragraph we do list the access methods (.coords, .geoms, .exterior, .interiors). However, explaining how they work will take up some space (basically this entire section) and will be irrelevant to most readers. I therefore suggest we leave the list as is. To those few readers for whom this is relevant can further explore the methods (also, method names are somewhat self-explanatory)

Robinlovelace commented 2 months ago

Sounds like a good plan Michael, closing for now..