== Installed Mods ==
x | [v1.3.6] geode.loader
| [v1.0.0] camila314.song-randomizer
x | [v1.0.0] alphalaneous.projectedstars
x | [v7.1.1-beta.5] absolllute.megahack
x | [v5.0.0-alpha.10] be_team.betteredit
x | [v3.0.10] cvolton.betterinfo
x | [v1.0.2] alphalaneous.extraicons
x | [v2.2.5] alk.small-additions
x | [v1.0.3] alphalaneous.separatedualicons
x | [v1.1.0] be_team.editorapi
x | [v1.1.0] cgytrus.menu-shaders
x | [v1.0.0] camila314.editor-hitbox-fix
| [v1.0.0] capeling.demons_in_garage
| [v1.0.0] capeling.simple_icon_hack
x | [v1.0.5] mat.practice-music
| [v1.0.2] cvolton.robtop_bot
x | [v1.0.0] deathfuel.blink
x | [v1.2.3] fleym.nongd
x | [v1.2.2] geode.custom-keybinds
x | [v1.0.4] hjfod.gdshare
x | [v1.0.3] hjfod.gmd-api
x | [v1.0.4] mat.fps-bypass
x | [v1.0.0] mat.song-search
x | [v1.0.2] mat.rgb-color-input
x | [v1.0.0] techstudent10.hidepause
x | [v1.5.2] tpdea.betterpause-Better
Additional Information
I think this is because of the mega hack because a lot of things can fly out because of it
Geode Issue
Geode Version
Mods Installed
MegaHack v7.1.1-beta5, BetterPause v1.5.2, BetterInfo 3.0.10, BetterEdit v5.0.0-beta10, Custom Keybinds v1.2.2, Editor Hitbox Fix v1.0.0, Editor-API v1.1.0, ExtraIcons v1.0.2, FpsBypass v1.0.4, GMD API v1.0.3, Hide Pause v1.0.0, nongd v1.2.3, ProjectedStars v1.0.0, RGB Color Input v1.0.2, SongSearch v1.0.0, SeperateDualIcons v1.0.3, SmallAdditions v2.2.5, MenuShaders v1.1.0, Blink 1.0.0.
Steps to Reproduce
I wanted to go in but the door in the lower right corner in the creator menuю I wanted to open the keys and the game crashes
Crash Report
2023-11-20T23:12:15+0300 Whoopsies! An exception has occurred while running Geode.
== Geode Information == Loader Version: v1.3.6 Installed mods: 26 Problems: 0
== Exception Information == Faulty Module: C:\Users\User\Desktop\Geometry Dash\GeometryDash.exe Faulty Mod:
Exception Code: c0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Exception Flags: 0
Exception Address: 004753A2 (GeometryDash.exe + 1553a2)
Number Parameters: 2
== Stack Trace ==
== Register States == EAX: 00d3f0c8 EBX: 637eee11 ECX: 05fac298 EDX: 00000004 EBP: 00d3f1fc ESP: 00d3effc EDI: 00000003 ESI: 00000000 EIP: 004753a2
== Installed Mods == x | [v1.3.6] geode.loader | [v1.0.0] camila314.song-randomizer x | [v1.0.0] alphalaneous.projectedstars x | [v7.1.1-beta.5] absolllute.megahack x | [v5.0.0-alpha.10] be_team.betteredit x | [v3.0.10] cvolton.betterinfo x | [v1.0.2] alphalaneous.extraicons x | [v2.2.5] alk.small-additions x | [v1.0.3] alphalaneous.separatedualicons x | [v1.1.0] be_team.editorapi x | [v1.1.0] cgytrus.menu-shaders x | [v1.0.0] camila314.editor-hitbox-fix | [v1.0.0] capeling.demons_in_garage | [v1.0.0] capeling.simple_icon_hack x | [v1.0.5] mat.practice-music | [v1.0.2] cvolton.robtop_bot x | [v1.0.0] deathfuel.blink x | [v1.2.3] fleym.nongd x | [v1.2.2] geode.custom-keybinds x | [v1.0.4] hjfod.gdshare x | [v1.0.3] hjfod.gmd-api x | [v1.0.4] mat.fps-bypass x | [v1.0.0] mat.song-search x | [v1.0.2] mat.rgb-color-input x | [v1.0.0] techstudent10.hidepause x | [v1.5.2] tpdea.betterpause-Better
Additional Information
I think this is because of the mega hack because a lot of things can fly out because of it