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ingest does not work #13

Closed falkamelung closed 4 years ago

falkamelung commented 4 years ago

I am trying to ingest data and I am getting the error message below. Any idea what could be the reason? I rebooted already but it did not help. I am actually at a meeting and was hoping to ingest more data tonight or tomorrow morning. So if you have a chance to look at this that would be fantastic.

@stackTom -u insaradmin -p Insar123 --host -P rsmastest -U rsmas\ --json_folder /projects/scratch/insarlab/famelung/unittestGalapagosSenDT128/mintpy/JSON --mbtiles_file /projects/scratch/insarlab/famelung/unittestGalapagosSenDT128/mintpy/JSON/S1_IW1_128_0595_0597_20160605_XXXXXXXX.mbtiles 
Uploading json chunks...
Clearing old dataset, if it is there
Creating index on S1_IW1_128_0595_0597_20160605_XXXXXXXX
Inserted chunk_1.json to db
Inserted chunk_2.json to db
Inserted chunk_3.json to db
Inserted chunk_4.json to db
Inserted chunk_5.json to db
Inserted chunk_6.json to db
Inserted chunk_7.json to db
Inserted chunk_8.json to db
Inserted chunk_9.json to db
Inserted chunk_10.json to db
Inserted chunk_11.json to db
Inserted chunk_12.json to db
Inserted chunk_13.json to db
Inserted chunk_14.json to db
Inserted chunk_15.json to db
Inserted chunk_16.json to db
Inserted chunk_17.json to db
Inserted chunk_18.json to db
Inserted chunk_19.json to db
Inserted chunk_20.json to db
Inserted chunk_21.json to db
Inserted chunk_22.json to db
Uploading mbtiles...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/nethome/famelung/test/test1/rsmas_insar/sources/PySAR/pysar/", line 164, in <module>
  File "/nethome/famelung/test/test1/rsmas_insar/sources/PySAR/pysar/", line 147, in main
  File "/nethome/famelung/test/test1/rsmas_insar/sources/PySAR/pysar/", line 237, in upload_mbtiles
pycurl.error: (26, ‘')

Disk does not seem full

ssh -YC's password: 
Last login: Mon Oct  7 16:32:47 2019 from
[insaradmin@insarweb ~]$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3        20G  4.6G   14G  25% /
devtmpfs        3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs           3.9G   88K  3.9G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           3.9G  8.9M  3.9G   1% /run
tmpfs           3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdb1      1008G  408G  549G  43% /data
/dev/sdc1      1008G   77M  957G   1% /data2
/dev/sda5        20G   16G  2.8G  86% /var
/dev/sda1       673M  228M  397M  37% /boot
/dev/sda2       105G   14G   92G  13% /home
tmpfs           783M   12K  783M   1% /run/user/42
tmpfs           783M     0  783M   0% /run/user/1423
[insaradmin@insarweb ~]$ sudo reboot
[sudo] password for insaradmin: 
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
falkamelung commented 4 years ago

no issue anymore