geodesymiami / insarmaps

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json_mbtiles2insarmaps error: The server responded with code: 500 #17

Closed falkamelung closed 4 years ago

falkamelung commented 4 years ago

When I upload to insarmaps I get the code 500 error at the end. --mintpyProducts  /scratch/05861/tg851601/test/dev1/rsmas_insar/samples/unittestGalapagosSenDT128.template  /scratch/05861/tg851601/test/dev1/rsmas_insar/samples/unittestGalapagosSenDT128.template
//c506-054/scratch/05861/tg851601/unittestGalapagosSenDT128[1006] -u insaradmin -p Insar123 --host -P rsmastest -U rsmas\ --json_folder /scratch/05861/tg851601/unittestGalapagosSenDT128/mintpy/JSON --mbtiles_file /scratch/05861/tg851601/unittestGalapagosSenDT128/mintpy/JSON/S1_IW1_128_0596_0597_20160605_XXXXXXXX.mbtiles
Uploading json chunks...
Clearing old dataset, if it is there
Creating index on S1_IW1_128_0596_0597_20160605_XXXXXXXX
Inserted chunk_10.json to db
Inserted chunk_13.json to db
Inserted chunk_5.json to db
Inserted chunk_12.json to db
Inserted chunk_8.json to db
Inserted chunk_14.json to db
Inserted chunk_11.json to db
Inserted chunk_6.json to db
Inserted chunk_1.json to db
Inserted chunk_4.json to db
Inserted chunk_7.json to db
Inserted chunk_3.json to db
Inserted chunk_2.json to db
Inserted chunk_9.json to db
Uploading mbtiles...
The server responded with code: 500

Actually, the dataset appears in insarmaps, but when you click on it, it does not display anything.

You can get the testdata using

wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=2 --no-parent --reject="index.html*" --no-check-certificate .
stackTom commented 4 years ago

Fixed. Please try again. It was a permissions issue on the server after I created the symbolic link to place the mbtiles folder in /data/. So, this means that no dataset you have uploaded since that date uploaded the mbtiles. This means that all those datasets you have added ever since I moved the mbtiles folder to /data are not correct on the website (the dataset appears, but it won't display anything and will need to be uploaded).

To fix this, you need to re run on all those datasets I added ever since I made that change. It is not necessary to supply the --json_folder option (only the --mbtiles_file) option, so it uploads the mbtiles (aka the file which allows the points to appear once a dataset is clicked).