geodesymiami / insarmaps

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Make Page bookmarkable, and/or open identical second window. #5

Closed falkamelung closed 3 years ago

falkamelung commented 5 years ago

Hi Alfredo, If you have time, the next big thing we want is to do make the page fully bookmarkable. This would allow me to send exactly what I see on my screen to a colleague.

Furthermore, I frequently would like to have exactly the same view of the same (or different) dataset but for a different time period in a new window (same window size, area shown, zoom level and color scalel). Ideally, I would have the ability to copy-paste paste the URL into a different browser window and just replace the dataset and or time limits.

We could even go further: A button which allows you to display another dataset (or the same), to be selected manually from the available data for a given area and display it exactly the same way.

We talked about this some time ago, but you said that it would be quite some effort.

Will put this as an ‘enhancement’. This would be really cool!


stackTom commented 5 years ago

Would every single possible state have to be bookmarkable? For example, you could have a certain seismicity selected, along with a certain insar dataset, along with a certain time period for recoloring a dataset, as well as a certain subselection of seismicity? Yes, it is is very doable, but we have so many features now, that being able to reproduce each one will be a monumental task, so this is something we should work on incrementally (ie, add certain features a bit at a time). I believe preselecting a dataset already works, correct?

falkamelung commented 5 years ago

Hi Alfredo, Yes. Everything, including the seismicity catalog, start date, end date and, if possible, location and zoom state. Then people can put this on their own monitoring site using an iframe, and, hopefully will make additional seismicity catalogues available as well.

If that it too much work for now, maybe we can do some hardwired examples for Ecuador (Galapagos, Chile Cerro Negro (CCN), and Guagua Pichincha) Falk

falkamelung commented 4 years ago

Here an example for a different site
stackTom commented 3 years ago

I pushed some changes. Please try it. Moving the map or zooming changes the url and you can send the url to others and they will see the same thing. Took me a while as I was very rusty with the codebase, and spent a long time reading code, writing and rewriting bad solutions, when it turned out I already had good infrastructure in place and it was relatively straightforward.

Please let me know how it is.

stackTom commented 3 years ago

Min and max date, min and max color scale, and current clicked point now work. Please check it and let me know if it is good, so we can close this issue.

stackTom commented 3 years ago

bookmarkable color scale as well as fixes with the dates to make it more human readable are done. closing this issue