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Adding more Ecuador Seismic data #6

Open falkamelung opened 5 years ago

falkamelung commented 5 years ago

We finally got the Ecuador seismic data (see below). Can you add them? in our Layer Menu we should have Ecuador and then several options to select from (the data what they put online). I have a hard time to understand what they sent us. I see several layers (e.g. for each volcano) but I could not find the actual epicentral locations. Are they there?

It is great that they send us this data (last 180 days), but what we really want is their complete catalog. There ought to be one layer with all the tectonic ad one layer with all volcanic quakes. Can you see those? Falk

Hi Falk

I asked for catalogue of seismic events near Ecuadorean volcanoes and Jorge Aguilar provided me these links that I hope they are useful to you. You need somebody with ArcGIS experience to get advantage of this information. Please let me know if you get it. Otherwise I will ask Jorge for a different way to provide you seismic data from our volcanoes.

Best regards,


De: JORGE ARTURO AGUILAR JARAMILLO Enviado: martes, 5 de febrero de 2019 17:37 Para: Mario Ruiz Asunto: servicios web para mapas

Estimado Mario,

Mira aquí están los servicios web que tenemos. Son varios no solo de sismicidad.., en la volcánica está la sismicidad de los volcanes..

las aplicaciones que usan estos servicios están en la intranet, en la opción de mapas interactivos. Las aplicaciones para la web las iré sacando con los mapas de amenaza.



stackTom commented 5 years ago

Whenever I click on any of the sublinks and select API reference on the upper right, it show an error page of 404 not found like this:

I need the API reference so that I can figure out what the data means.

falkamelung commented 5 years ago

I don't fully understand. I went to

and clicked on ArcGIS Online Map Viewer and can see a map with earthquakes (see screenshot in email):

There is a show table button that generates a listing (see whole Ecuador screenshot). So I would think it is possible to get the quakes using a query - but I did not get so far yet.