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Button to select latest ingested dataset #68

Open falkamelung opened 1 year ago

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to have a button that allows to display the latest ingested dataset. And/or a scroll window that allows to select one of the latest 3 ingested datasets - if we can do this in a way that not too much screen real estate is used

stackTom commented 1 year ago

Do you mean the latest "last_date"? Or the latest table ingested?

If it's the latter, we don't record a time stamp of ingestion time in the database. I'll have to see if there's another way to get when a table was created in postgresql, but last I checked there wasn't a fully reliable way. I can research some more.

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

The latest dataset. This is what you call table, I suppose. I saw on the server a file which is updated every time a new dataset is ingested. But is it OK to open this file from within insarmaps?

It's not a high priority. I could simply create a little script to display the latest entries if you have no easy way to do this.

stackTom commented 1 year ago

Which file is this?

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

Actually, it is not a file. But the entries in this dir have the relevant date stamp [insaradmin@insarweb tileserver]$ pwd /data/tileserver

-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 85094400 Aug 18 00:52 S1_IW12_087_0527_0531_20180902_XXXXXXXX.mbtiles -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 909312 Aug 18 01:15 S1_IW3_048_0081_0082_20150921_20211112_SM2_PS.mbtiles -rwxrwxr-x 1 insaradmin apache 42369024 Aug 18 14:08 S1_IW3_106_1177_1182_20161119_20180525.mbtiles -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 909312 Aug 18 16:50 S1_IW3_048_0081_0082_20150921_20211112_SM3_PS.mbtiles -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 913408 Aug 18 16:52 S1_IW3_048_0081_0082_20150921_20211112_SM_PS.mbtiles

stackTom commented 1 year ago

Oh that is a good idea. We can use the mbtiles files as an indirect way to determine this.