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Automated forward/backward time period selection and display #71

Open falkamelung opened 1 year ago

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

Once all these things are completed, we should see whether you think you have time and fun to revisit this suggestion:

It would be a very cool feature as it allows to visualize changes in the deformation pattern.

You select one time period (delta_T in days), and then there are arrow buttons to stepwise move forward or backward in time (same time period as selected or a manually selected period such as 2 month). It requires the calculation of the start/end dates.

Once this is working we add an auto display functionality to display, say, every 5 seconds, a new time period. Sort-of a movie functionality. We even could add a date list as a new attribute during ingest so that it knows which time periods to display consecutively.

stackTom commented 1 year ago

By arrow buttons, do you mean being able to use the arrow keys to traverse the displacements/dates? As in

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

Using the built-in back and forward arrow keys would be great. The alternative would be buttons with forward and backward arrows.

We want the ability to do all three: backward, forward, play movie (automated forward). We also want the ability to manually select the time period. So maybe an extra window for all this functionality is easiest. Or we have those forward/backward buttons and the keys can be used alternatively.

stackTom commented 1 year ago

Where should the buttons and/or window go?

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

On the displacement time series window. For now I would suggest next to "Download as text" a button "Movie". If you click it it open a little window with all the movie option, forward key, etc.

So you are woking on this? Exciting! One question is whether for a certain time period it can show both, the InSAR as well as the seismicity. It would be great if it could. Depending on this, we may change the final location of this button/window.

stackTom commented 1 year ago

I haven't started it. But the recoloring is fast enough now that I think it will be possible.

Which seismicity? We have many seismicity sources.

stackTom commented 1 year ago

It would be best to have all the specifications of how we want it fleshed out prior to starting, as this feature might not be trivial to implement.

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

You would select the seismicity in the same way as currently. It looks easy to add this. We just need the same "Movies button" on this screen.

falkamelung commented 1 year ago

I clarified above a bit. Let me know what is unclear. Here some more specification:

  1. The time period delta_T can be selected with the time slider (use the current delta_T) or, alternatively, given by typing in a window (e.g. say 48 for delta_T=48 days).

  2. We need a rounding algorithm (function). If it trys to display for delta_T=48 days but a date is missing then take a shorter period and continue from there. If there is no date to form a shorter period take the next longer period.

  3. Let's have default periods for the movie: movie.dates=20150701, 20170701, 20190701, 20210701,20230701,20250701, etc. It will be nice to have the ability to give dates as attribute in the S1 file. If 20150701, 20170701, 2019070 is given use the given dates. 20150701, 20170701, 20190701,XXXXXXXX` means that the last time period is from 20190701 to the last available date.

  4. For the time period selection the default is Sequential, but it would be good to also have an Interpolated button. For delta_T=48 days for Sequential the periods shown would be day1-day48, day48-day96, day96-day144. For Interpolated it would be day1-day48, day24-day72,day48-day96, day72-day120, etc (twice as many time periods).

  5. Other features to add are the GPS vectors. But this requires to fix bugs with the GPS which is of low priority (and I have to research how to do this). So this would be something for insarmaps 2.0.