geodocker / geodocker-geomesa

Containers for GeoMesa enable Accumulo
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`geomesa-accumulo` script is not working #19

Open elahrvivaz opened 5 years ago

elahrvivaz commented 5 years ago

The error is: Error: Could not find or load main class .usr.lib.zookeeper.zookeeper-3.4.6.jar

To fix it temporarily, edit /opt/geomesa/bin/geomesa-accumulo and change the following line:

ZOOKEEPER_JAR="$(find -L $ZOOKEEPER_HOME -maxdepth 1 -type f -name *zookeeper*jar)"


ZOOKEEPER_JAR="$(find -L $ZOOKEEPER_HOME -maxdepth 1 -type f -name *zookeeper*jar | head -n 1)"
shortwavedave commented 5 years ago

I got the same error and fixed it similarly by referencing $ZOOKEPER_HOME/zookeeper.jar directly in that file

shortwavedave commented 5 years ago

new problem I think related to this script:

[ec2-user ~]$ sudo docker exec accumulo-master geomesa-accumulo ingest -c geomesa.gdelt -C gdelt -f gdelt -s gdelt -u root -p secret $FILES

ERROR Unable to locate Accumulo instance. Please ensure that $ACCUMULO_HOME is set correctly and/or provide the instance name with the parameter --instance.

$ACCUMULO_HOME is set correctly. There are not accumulo logs though

shortwavedave commented 5 years ago

[ec2-user ~]$ sudo docker exec accumulo-master geomesa-accumulo ingest -c geomesa.gdelt -C gdelt -f gdelt -s gdelt -u root -p secret $FILES

ERROR Unable to locate Accumulo instance. Please ensure that $ACCUMULO_HOME is set correctly and/or provide the instance name with the parameter --instance.

if you follow the docs tutorial, then you must add '--instance gis' to the end of that command.

elahrvivaz commented 5 years ago

Thanks, someone else reported that you need to specify the instance id, but I was not able to reproduce that. At any rate, we can update the docs/readme to include it.

jamescrowley321 commented 5 years ago

I'm getting the same error using the local Docker install instructions. Modifying the /opt/geomesa/bin/geomesa-accumulo script in the master accumulo container. I modified the script as @elahrvivaz did, and I was then able to ingest data as the examples state.