geodynamics / Rayleigh

Rayleigh: Pseudo-spectral MHD
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Troubleshooting File Reading Issues in Python with custom_reference_type = 4" #567

Closed Ayesha714 closed 1 week ago

Ayesha714 commented 3 weeks ago

I am running a case with custom_reference_type = 4 using this Python file. However, my code is not reading this file correctly (both constants and functions are being read incorrectly). Could you please guide me on what might be the issue?

This code provides an example for using a custom non-dimensionalization of Rayleigh in Boussinesq dynamo mode.

The non-dimensionalization used here is based on the Rayleigh default viscous diffusion scaling for convection, thus providing a check on the custom reference state.

The parameters correspond to a case listed in Table 2 of Soderlund et al.: "The influence of magnetic fields in planetary dynamo models", Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., v.333-334, p.9-20 (2012)

The numbers referenced below for the various functions and constants refer to equation (5) in "Rayleigh_Output_Variables.pdf". Please refer to that document for further details.

Requirements: (1) "" ; and (2) ""


import numpy as np

import os, sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../'))

import post_processing.reference_tools as rt

name of output file containing custom reference data

filename = 'custom_ref_viscous.dat'our issue content here.

Non-dimensional input parameters

Ra = 1.12e5 # Rayleigh number Pr = 1.0 # Prandtl number Ek = 2.0e-3 # Ekman number Pm = 5.0 # Magnetic Prandtl number beta = 0.4 # Aspect ratio = r_inner/r_outer gravity_power = 1.0 # power law variation of gravitational acceleration

Create radial grid

Numer of radial grid points for radial functions (f_1, f_2, etc.)

Make large enough for accurate interpolation onto Chebyshev grid

nr = 2000

non-dimensional r_inner

ri = beta/(1-beta)

non-dimensional r_outer


non-dimensional radial grid


Define the reference state functions and constants

ones = np.ones(nr,dtype='float64') zeros = np.zeros(nr,dtype='float64')

the function list below is default for Boussinesq

f_1 = ones f_2 = (radius/radius[nr-1])**gravity_power f_3 = ones f_4 = ones f_5 = ones f_6 = zeros f_7 = ones f_8 = zeros f_9 = zeros f_10 = zeros f_11 = zeros f_12 = zeros f_13 = zeros

c_1 = 2.0/Ek # Coriolis force c_2 = Ra/Pr # Buoyancy force c_3 = 1.0/Ek # Pressure gradient c_4 = 1.0/(Ek*Pm) # Lorentz force c_5 = 1.0 # Viscous force c_6 = 1.0/Pr # Thermal diffusion c_7 = 1.0/Pm # Ohmic diffusion c_8 = 0.0 # Viscous heating c_9 = 0.0 # Ohmic heating c_10 = 0.0 # Internal heating

Set all of the functions and constants

my_ref = rt.equation_coefficients(radius)

Set functions here

my_ref.set_function(f_1, 1) my_ref.set_function(f_2, 2) my_ref.set_function(f_3, 3) my_ref.set_function(f_4, 4) my_ref.set_function(f_5, 5) my_ref.set_function(f_6, 6) my_ref.set_function(f_7, 7) my_ref.set_function(f_8, 8) my_ref.set_function(f_9, 9) my_ref.set_function(f_10, 10) my_ref.set_function(f_11, 11) my_ref.set_function(f_12, 12) my_ref.set_function(f_13, 13)

Set constants here

my_ref.set_constant(c_1, 1) my_ref.set_constant(c_2, 2) my_ref.set_constant(c_3, 3) my_ref.set_constant(c_4, 4) my_ref.set_constant(c_5, 5) my_ref.set_constant(c_6, 6) my_ref.set_constant(c_7, 7) my_ref.set_constant(c_8, 8) my_ref.set_constant(c_9, 9) my_ref.set_constant(c_10, 10)


print('Custom reference file', filename, 'was written successfully.')

feathern commented 1 week ago

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Since it's the middle of the summer, a lot of us have been traveling between conferences and vacation -- which is to say sorry for the delayed response. I'm back now and will have a look at this in the coming week. I'm also going to tag @illorenzo7 on this since he's been making some modifications to the custom-reference-state interface during the past year, and he may see or think of something obvious that doesn't jump out at me right away. -- Nick

feathern commented 1 week ago

Oh, I forgot to write the important part. When you say that your code isn't reading the file correctly, can you run with rayleigh.dbg (instead of rayleigh.opt) and post the full error message here?

Ayesha714 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your reply. Actually, the problem was with the version of the code (as you mentioned, it might have been under development). It has been six months since I got this code. I got the new version which fixed the issue, and my custom reference state is working properly.

feathern commented 1 week ago

Great -- thanks for letting us know. I'll go ahead and close this issue.