But nsinker_spherical_shell cannot converge using gmg,
and amg doesn't converge either.
Additional information:
The iterative Stokes solver in
StokesMatrixFreeHandlerImplementation::solve did not converge.
The initial residual was: 1.000758e-02
The final residual is: 1.745499e-08
The required residual for convergence is: 1.000758e-08
See output-gmg/solver_history.txt for the full convergence history.
void dealii::SolverFGMRES<VectorType>::solve(const MatrixType&,
VectorType&, const VectorType&, const PreconditionerType&) [with
MatrixType = aspect::internal::StokesBlock; PreconditionerType =
dealii::TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionBase>; VectorType =
The violated condition was:
Additional information:
Iterative method reported convergence failure in step 2000. The
residual in the last step was 1.90377e-08.
To be clear, the starter project part here is just to run the benchmark and check if there are still issues. Fixing the issues will likely be complicated.
But nsinker_spherical_shell cannot converge using gmg, and amg doesn't converge either.
Originally posted by @zjiaqi2018 in https://github.com/geodynamics/aspect/pull/4852#issuecomment-1243046122