geodynamics / aspect

A parallel, extensible finite element code to simulate convection in both 2D and 3D models.
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[WIP] Add 2D Dynamic Subduction Cookbook with Two-Phase Reactive Fluid Transport #5785

Open danieldouglas92 opened 4 months ago

danieldouglas92 commented 4 months ago

Extend the cookbook added in #5746 to a 2D subduction zone that starts just after subduction initiation and evolves for several million years, tracking the dehydration of the subducting lithologies as governed by parameterized phase diagrams published by Tian et al., 2019, This cookbook will investigate a variety of solid-fluid interactions:

1) where the free fluid is advected with the Darcy velocity 2) coupled two-phase fluid reactions where the free fluid is advected according to compaction pressures, 3) weakening of the solid phase due to the amount of solid bound fluid in the form of the water fugacity as outlined by Hirth & Kohlstaedt 2004 10.1029/138GM06.