geodynamics / aspect

A parallel, extensible finite element code to simulate convection in both 2D and 3D models.
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aspect.release vs aspect-release #5938

Closed tjhei closed 5 days ago

tjhei commented 1 week ago

It seems that #5836 changed the produced binaries from aspect and aspect-release to aspect.debug and aspect.release. I am not sure it it a great idea to change the - to a .. Thoughts?

At least, scripts and documentation would also need to reflect this:

> git grep "aspect-release"
contrib/docker/docker/Dockerfile:    ln -s $Aspect_DIR/bin/aspect-release $Aspect_DIR/aspect-release
doc/sphinx/user/extending/ program can be installed with [cargo]( (see Install Cargo button), with `cargo install cbdr`. To generate the run data, the program is run with `cbdr sample --timeout=900s main:/path/to/build-main/aspect-release /path/to/test.prm features:/path/to/build-feature/aspect-release /path/to/test.prm > results.csv`. This command runs both the main and feature branch executable to "warm up" and then it keeps randomly selection one of the two executables and write the timings out to `results.csv` until the timer reaches 900 seconds.
doc/sphinx/user/install/docker-container/    `aspect` and `aspect-release`. For a discussion of the different
doc/sphinx/user/install/docker-container/    then run `aspect-release` for a faster model run.
doc/sphinx/user/install/local-installation/ and will be named `aspect` or `aspect-release`.
doc/sphinx/user/install/virtual-machine/    ~/aspect/build/aspect-release your_input_file.prm
doc/sphinx/user/install/virtual-machine/    You can replace `aspect-release` with `aspect-debug` to run in debug mode instead.
doc/sphinx/user/run-aspect/ `aspect-release` corresponding to a debug build and a release build, respectively.
bangerth commented 1 week ago

Oh, that was an oversight. I can fix that if you want me to.