geoffbacon / collaboration

This is a one-hour introduction to collaborating on GitHub
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Introduce you and your partner to the group in an issue! #5

Open geoffbacon opened 5 years ago

geoffbacon commented 5 years ago

Find out what brought your teammate here today, what they do on campus, and how comfortable they are with git and GitHub. If they're comfortable with it, tell the world by posting a reply to this issue! (Note that this is a completely public repo that anyone on the Internet can see. I'll delete the issue after this workshop but know that it will have been up for an hour or two. So don't write anything your teammate isn't comfortable with).

mjyeh commented 5 years ago

We are Michael, Yuling, and Lei. Yuling is a postdoc in environmental social science. Lei is a postdoc in materials science. Michael is PhD student in math. We are all pretty new to git and GitHub.

iamTad commented 5 years ago

@ellahiesmayr is a git newbie. She studies stats @m-dogan is also a git newbie. He studies physics I'm basically a newbie and I study bioinformatics.

Thanks for the lesson.

alisonn commented 5 years ago

We are @nanjiang87 Nancy (post-doc LBL) who works in electrochemistry and wants to learn how to analyze big data, @yaotang1208 Yao (post-doc Berkeley) and has experience with programming and models fluid mechanics, and @alisonn Alison (grad student Berkeley) who works in genomics.

susanhao commented 5 years ago

@MandyZChen is in psych, @tairulyu is in physics, @yangha7 is in LBL, and I am in psych