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Complete Milestone #3 #38

Open eliseemelia opened 8 months ago

eliseemelia commented 8 months ago

eliseemelia commented 8 months ago

CSC371 Milestone #3 Iterative Development (Part 2) 1 Description

Milestone #2 described the iterative design process and led you through one iteration. In this Milestone, you are going to complete another iteration of our iterative development process. You will do this for a 60% complete prototype. This prototype should incorporate the work items you identified and prioritized during the "Refinement" section of Milestone #2. Deliverables

You have the same deliverables that you had for Milestone #2 except this time the results will be based on your 60% prototype.

You must submit the following on, or before, the due date:

A playable 60% prototype that you will demonstrate in lab on the Thursday before the due date.
A 5–10-page paper describing each phase of your iterative development: Prototyping, Playtesting, Evaluation, Refinement.  It should also include a revised game design document.  You will submit this using Canvas using the title "Team#_Milestone3.docx" where you replace # with your team's assigned number.  Please include the first and last name of everyone in the team at the top of the first page.


You will be graded in the following categories:

Prototype (10 pts)
Playtesting (15 pts)
Evaluation (5 pts)
Refinement (5 pts)
Game Design Document (5 pts)