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Previous winners information capability on hosted competitions #1495

Open hirendu opened 5 months ago

hirendu commented 5 months ago

We have a hosted comp and would like to have feature of "previous winners" enabled on our comp. (Not the entire database - just the list of winners). Can this limited functionality be added to hosted comps?

(Sent an email but seems this is a better way to request/track this).

geoffhumphrey commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately, this currently isn't an option due to the MySQL DB capacity limitations imposed by the webhost.

There may be a possibility of offering an "enhanced-tier" hosted option that will provide some or all of the features that self-hosted installations can take advantage of (archives, past winner display, etc.). I'm currently investigating the possibilities to whether this will be a financially viable option.

As of now, my suggestion for any hosted installation is for Admins is to download the results in PDF or HTML format to house on a website under your organization's control (club, etc.). Then, simply link to that in your Rules description on your hosted BCOE&M installation.