geoffhumphrey / brewcompetitiononlineentry
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Request: Print entries per brewer #881

Open donutbrew opened 6 years ago

donutbrew commented 6 years ago

We have traditionally checked in beers by brewer. That makes it easy to check in and label a batch of beers all at once. Then when you sort them into categories, everything is ready to go. As opposed to sorting by category, THEN checking in and labeling. For this, it would be useful to have a report that listed every entry from a single brewer on a page. With every brewer having their own page.

geoffhumphrey commented 6 years ago

While I admit this would be great to have at the touch of a button, it is possible currently if you use the All Entries: All Data or All Entries: Limited Data CSV exports. With some manipulation in Excel, you can sort by entrant last name first and any number of factors after that (see example below).


Then, it's just a matter of setting page breaks for pagination.