geoffjentry / twitteR

R based twitter client
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Error in TwitteR: setup_twitter_oauth #151

Open panagiotoup opened 5 years ago

panagiotoup commented 5 years ago

Hello, I am a complete noob on anything that has to do with R Studio... I tried mirroring some YouTube videos to therefore allow me gather Twitter data for a project.

I have created a Twitter app that has given me the respective API keys and have also downloaded the twitteR package on the software. Despite the efforts, when I try to run the line to set up the keys it gives me an error.

Any ideas on how I can make it work? Thanks in advance! (On the bottom right hand corner its a video that I am trying to follow)


geoffjentry commented 5 years ago

Hi @panagiotoup1 - this package hasn't been touched in ages (in fact, I thought I'd archived the repo but apparently not). You'll want to use the rtweet package instead.