geoflow3d / gfp-building-reconstruction

Geoflow plugin for building LoD2 reconstruction from a point cloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Incorrect h_dak_min in the LoD1.2 and LoD2.2 2D layer #38

Closed balazsdukai closed 2 years ago

balazsdukai commented 2 years ago

The h_dak_min is incorrectly calculated for the roof parts in the lod12 and lod22 2d layers. It is correct on the lod11 and lod13 layers.


    p.fid ,
    p.h_maaiveld ,
    ld.h_dak_min l11_h_dak_min,
    ld12.h_dak_min l12_h_dak_min,
    ld13.h_dak_min l13_h_dak_min,
    ld2.h_dak_min l22_h_dak_min
    pand p
JOIN lod11_2d ld
        USING (fid)
JOIN lod12_2d ld12
        USING (fid)
JOIN lod13_2d ld13
        USING (fid)
JOIN lod22_2d ld2
        USING (fid)
JOIN lod22_3d ld3
        USING (fid)
    p.identificatie = 'NL.IMBAG.Pand.0109100000007052';
identificatie fid h_maaiveld l11_h_dak_min l12_h_dak_min l13_h_dak_min l22_h_dak_min
NL.IMBAG.Pand.0109100000007052 8337592 10.734 13.595 10.874672 13.66427 10.898892
NL.IMBAG.Pand.0109100000007052 8337592 10.734 13.595 10.874672 13.66427 10.874672
NL.IMBAG.Pand.0109100000007052 8337592 10.734 13.595 10.874672 13.66427 10.91839
Ylannl commented 2 years ago

This turns out to be a more general problem, see eg .

The problem was that different techniques to get the elevation values were employed together and also there was a bug in the generalization to LoD1.3.

This should be all be fixed with 91597c757530566d8453d35618ee3b612c21939b.