geograph-project / Leaflet.GeographPhotos

Plots Geograph Photos on a Leaflet Map!
MIT License
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wikimedia commons #2

Open javierpose opened 4 years ago

javierpose commented 4 years ago

I tried to modify the plugin to make it work with wikimedia common but the bounds have given me problems|-122.3|37.7|-122.4 Some ideas? Thanks

barryhunter commented 4 years ago

Did you see which actully I stole code from

Although it seems to use gscoord ratehr than gsbbox

            origin = this._map.getCenter(),
            data = {
                format: 'json',
                action: 'query',
                list: 'geosearch',
                gslimit: this.options.limit,
                gsradius: this.getRadius(),
                gscoord: + '|' + origin.lng

But should be able to do something similar.

In Geographs case, I had the Geograph Server understand the 'standard' BBOX string

 var bounds = map.getBounds();
 this._sentBounds = bounds.toBBoxString();

You can 'compose' a string manually with the bounds.

/// Bounding box to search in: pipe (|) separated coordinates of top left and bottom right corners.
gsbbox = bounds.getNorth() + '|' +  bounds.getWest() + '|' + bounds.getSouth() + '|' + bounds.getEast();