geohot / 7900xtx

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[Question] Any way to disable AMD PSP / Platform Security Processor ? #5

Open MarArMar opened 5 months ago

MarArMar commented 5 months ago

First, props to George for the work

I have security & safety concerns about AMD "Platform Security Processor" or PSP

Intel "Management Engine" or ME is kind of the same with an OS ("Minix") loading before the user's OS & running with priviledges superior to the user OS kernel

Both Intel ME & AMD PSP are closed source.

Intel ME has been exploited before by malware

Additionally, "security by obscurity", or hiding code from the public, has been widely regarded as bad security practice.

Lastly I am a customer buying hardware, and I want control over what code is running on my home & work computer.

Thus, I would like to completely disable or remove AMD PSP as it appears as a security flaw to me and I do not trust the unknown & closed source code it is running.

If anyone knows how to do this, I will be very thankful for you to share it with us.

geohot commented 5 months ago


You don't own the GPU, AMD does. They have root, you don't. You are simply allowed to use it for certain restricted purposes. There's a PSP on AMD CPUs too.

Ironically, chips will start coming from China that are more free and open.

MarArMar commented 5 months ago

Damn, I hope code wizards will save us somehow

This "we always have root access to your hardware" thing is not right..

Hope you are right on China hardware, but I do not think it will be true, probably Intel ME & AMD PSP will be a source of inspiration for the CCP

Thanks anyway, btw 👍

geohot commented 5 months ago

CCP only cares about domestic. They don't mind exporting the best hardware.