geoip-lite / node-geoip

Native NodeJS implementation of MaxMind's GeoIP API -- works in node 0.6.3 and above, ask me about other versions
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Which release version gives a zipcode included response? #212

Open Krishna-Chaitanya-Ganta opened 4 years ago

bluesmoon commented 4 years ago

Looks like this is discussed in #190

sapics commented 2 weeks ago

I have created ip-location-api which has similar in-memory database system with geoip-lite. You can display "zip code" whose field name is postcode as following

# Update database
npm run updatedb ILA_FIELDS=country,region1,city,metro,eu,timezone,latitude,area,postcode

# application run
node your_application.js ILA_FIELDS=country,region1,city,metro,eu,timezone,latitude,area,postcode