geojson / geojson-ld

GeoJSON in JSON-LD contexts
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Earliest and latest: in or out? #16

Closed sgillies closed 10 years ago

sgillies commented 10 years ago

Can we leave "earliest" and "latest" out of the GeoJSON-LD Time context? Let's reconsider this since we only have one first chance to get things right.

My concerns are complexity and necessity. There's a price to be paid in documenting why and how to use these features properly. We should be sure that it's worth the time.

GeoJSON has gone pretty far without anything to say about imprecise locations. Can a feature succession and event JSON-LD vocabulary get by just as well? Say you want to model the spatio-temporal extent of the Fremont Culture: how exactly would an application suffer from having to use the widest possible interval to represent its duration instead of the combination of "core" and "peripheral" durations?

@sfsheath thoughts?

sfsheath commented 10 years ago

Whoops. I thought we were agreed on including these? Fremont Culture is outside my wheelhouse.

Using ranges to indicate the starts and ends of past timespans is common. Lots of examples from science (radio carbon dating) and humanities (the start of writing as dependent on how you define writing), but I hope that statement isn't controversial.

Given the common usage, is the added difficulty of implementing the display and other use of at most two possible points for each end of a 1-dimensional line (if that's how a timespan can be described) such that we should reject that possibility?

sgillies commented 10 years ago

@sfsheath yeah, I was all for this 3 weeks ago, but am having second thoughts when faced with typing up instructions on how to put this into practice. I just want to review this again without all the other distractions of #9 and give @p3dr0 a chance to express his reservations clearly.

I recognize that earliest and latest attributes of an interval would be useful (I can see how I would have used them for Pleiades), but I'd consider it a failure if they got used commonly, because it complicates temporal logic, e.g., does start: 1000, earliest: 998 come before start: 999? We could leave that temporal logic entirely up to applications, but with no fuzzy geometry precedent in GeoJSON, I'm not sure how that choice would play out.

kgeographer commented 10 years ago

My view (and vote) is that earliest/latest are worthwhile and not a terrible burden. I think the way the scenario @sgillies presents would play out is that if an app had no means for reasoning about 'earliest' it would ignore it and work only with 'start' and 'end'; completely agree most users will not make use of it, but isn't that in part because apps that can reason about such things don't exist, because there isn't much data modeled that way? Getting the universe of GeoJSON users thinking about time will change that IMHO.

Simile Timeline has paved the way ( ) and illustrates that unnecessary keys can be ignored and still get good results. I think the pattern is simple and well-worn enough to proceed with it, and that it could stimulate apps that do a better job of temporal reasoning and visualization. For instructions to developers on putting into practice, there are two sets of issues, reasoning and display. For the latter, simply referring to Simile Timelines would go a long way ( ). For reasoning, it's left to the imagination of developers how to take this past what Simile Timeline offers.

----- Original Message -----

@sfsheath yeah, I was all for this 3 weeks ago, but am having second thoughts when faced with typing up instructions on how to put this into practice. I just want to review this again without all the other distractions of #9 and give @p3dr0 a chance to express his reservations clearly.

I recognize that earliest and latest attributes of an interval would be useful (I can see how I would have used them for Pleiades), but I'd consider it a failure if they got used commonly, because it complicates temporal logic, e.g., does start: 1000, earliest: 998 come before start: 999 ? We could leave that temporal logic entirely up to applications, but with no fuzzy geometry precedent in GeoJSON, I'm not sure how that choice would play out.

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sgillies commented 10 years ago

@kgeographer I'm more concerned that people will use earliest/latest, and improperly or superfluously. People struggled with implementing coordinate order in their GeoJSON despite it being clearly written in the spec. I fear that we could see data that has only earliest/latest and no start/stop.

How about this: will @kgeographer or @sfsheath send a pull request with solid documentation of these items in Let's include these items contingent on being able to explain them unambiguously.

kgeographer commented 10 years ago

Points taken. The inherently conservative approach required for standards is not something I've delved in to date; only dreaming them up in arm-wavy academic style or building one-off things that will never be standardized. Glad to take a stab at this, within the next few days. @sfsheath if you do also we can compare notes, and/or @sgillies can accept both and a collective comment/edit ensue.

----- Original Message -----

@kgeographer I'm more concerned that people will use earliest/latest, and improperly or superfluously. People struggled with implementing coordinate order in their GeoJSON despite it being clearly written in the spec. I fear that we could see data that has only earliest/latest and no start/stop.

How about this: will @kgeographer or @sfsheath send a pull request with solid documentation of these items in ? Let's include these items contingent on being able to explain them unambiguously.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

kgeographer commented 10 years ago

The task of describing a when object turns out to be hard, and lead to further questions of scope. [edit: this concerns the reframing topic raised in]

A few points:

If this makes sense I will submit relevant draft entries for

{ "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
    { "type": "Feature",
        "id": "e01",
      "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]},
      "when": {"type":"Instant", start": "1832-08-01T16:00+00:00"}
      "properties": {
        "prop0": "value0",
        "label":"4pm UTC on 01 Aug 1832"
    { "type": "Feature",
        "id": "e02",
      "geometry": {
         "type": "Polygon",
         "coordinates": [
           [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0],
             [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]
       "when": {"type": "Instant", "start":"1833-01-01", "end":"1833-01-31"}
       "properties": {
         "label": "at some point in time during Jan 1833",
         "prop1": {"this": "that"}
   }, { "type": "Feature",
        "id": "e03",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": [
          [102.0, 0.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [105.0, 1.0]
      "when": {
        "type": "Interval",
        "start": "1832-08-02", "latestStart": "1832-08-04", "end": "1833"
      "properties": {
        "label": "began some time betw. 02 and 04 Aug 1832 and ended in 1833",
        "prop1": 0.0
sgillies commented 10 years ago

@kgeographer I've made a fairly big update to and it's ready for changes to "earliest" and "latest".

The live entry point to temporal stuff is

sgillies commented 10 years ago

Earliest and latest aren't going to be needed now that we've introduced "circa". circa["start'"] and circa["stop"] are now the earliest and latest date/time for a feature or feature collection.