geojson / geojson-ld

GeoJSON in JSON-LD contexts
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A geojson-dcterms context for GeoJSON with title and description properties #5

Closed sgillies closed 10 years ago

sgillies commented 10 years ago

Features like this

{ "type": "Feature",
  "properties": {
    "title": "Foo",
    "description": "The place called Foo" }, 
  ... }

are quite common on the web. They have properties which map to Dublin Core properties. If we add

  "title": "",
  "description": ""

to, we'd have a "GeoJSON+DC Terms" context.

sgillies commented 10 years ago


thijsbrentjens commented 10 years ago

Good idea. Maybe also include dcterms:identifier or would another definition be better?

sgillies commented 10 years ago

@thijsbrentjens For what use case? What GeoJSON out there uses a property that maps to dcterms:identifier?

As I see it, the titles and descriptions that people use in GeoJSON descend directly from RSS, and those come more or less from Dublin Core. But many DC terms (accrualMethod, bibliographicCitation, etc) seem marginally useful to GeoJSON. So, I suggest we omit them unless there's a strong use case.