geolexica / geolexica-server

Generalized backend for Geolexica sites
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Broken math display in page headers #111

Open skalee opened 4 years ago

skalee commented 4 years ago

If term name contains mathematical formula, it may be rendered incorrectly on some browsers, even with MathJax enabled. See

Firefox Zrzut ekranu 2020-06-28 o 17 19 54
Safari Zrzut ekranu 2020-06-28 o 17 20 03

As it is clearly visible on above picture, p symbol is way too small in Firefox.

Page source:

  <h2 class="section-title">
    <span class="term-name"><span class="q-open">“</span> 

DOM enriched with MathJax (in Firefox):

<h2 class="section-title">
    <span class="term-name"><span class="q-open">“</span> 
<mjx-container class="MathJax CtxtMenu_Attached_0" jax="CHTML" style="font-size: 50%; position: relative;" role="presentation" tabindex="0" ctxtmenu_counter="0"><mjx-math class="MJX-TEX" aria-hidden="true"><mjx-mi class="mjx-i"><mjx-c class="mjx-c1D45D TEX-I"></mjx-c></mjx-mi></mjx-math><mjx-assistive-mml role="presentation" unselectable="on" display="inline"><math xmlns=""><mi>p</mi></math></mjx-assistive-mml></mjx-container>-fractile
ronaldtse commented 4 years ago

Wow. Maybe this should be reported to the MathJax people?

skalee commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure yet what actually happens. Sometimes it works good, sometimes does not. May be some race condition, not necessarily in their lib…