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ISO/TC 211 online version of the Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms
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Clear search vs. hide search behavior #169

Closed strogonoff closed 2 years ago

strogonoff commented 2 years ago

It is not great that we show one X for “hide search” and another X for “clear search” in two different places. We should probably combine behavior, or indicate those actions clearer using separate icons.

ReesePlews commented 2 years ago

@strogonoff thank you for noticing this. i also felt the same but did not want to say until i was able to check it more. perhaps it could be a "+" , "-" type of icon that would "expand" on "+" and contract on "-" if that is the normal action of an expansion list?

strogonoff commented 2 years ago

@ReesePlews That does sound reasonable and should immediately make it less confusing, we’ll do that then!

ReesePlews commented 2 years ago

@strogonoff checking this a bit more, if we press "X" to clear the search, perhaps the list of previously "searched" terms should be contracted (minified). since the search is cleared those previously "searched" terms should not be visible when the search is cleared. please discuss with @ronaldtse for confirmation to implement or not. thank you.

ronaldtse commented 2 years ago

I'm not actually sure why we want to "hide search" at all. We should just have one button to "clear search box and clear search results".

strogonoff commented 2 years ago

Now the button with the cross will clear search input, clear search results, and collapse search widget (, The hide search button (after Vladimir’s change, signified by a “minus” icon rather than another cross) maintains its existing behavior.

ReesePlews commented 2 years ago

@strogonoff i have checked the updated action and i confirm it is working the way i was thinking. @ronaldtse previously mentioned " not sure why we want to 'hide search'" but in my view this is not hiding the search, just clearing the list of search results. perhaps my earlier explanation was not clear, but the current operation of the page is working as i was thinking. if both Ron and Anton are ok with this, please close the issue. thank you.

ronaldtse commented 2 years ago

Confirmed that the way it works is good now. Thanks @strogonoff !