The "link" to the reference should only be for the standard. The rest of the text should be in a separate "clause" value.
Here are some patterns to test against:
"ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.4.15",
"ISO/TS 19130:2010",
"ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, 2.15",
"ISO/IEC 10746-2",
"ISO/IEC 19501:2005 (Adapted from)",
"ISO 19108;2002",
"ISO/IEC TR 10000-1:1998",
"ISO 10241-1:2011,, modified — The reference to the examples has been removed.",
"ISO 19103:2015, modified – Derived from",
"ISO/TS 19159-2:2016, 4.1",
"ISO 19146:2010, 4.9, modified — In the definition, the words terminological record have been changed to terminological entry.",
"ISO 19111:2007, 4.22, modified – The first occurrence of the words “semi-major” have been expanded to “semi-major axis”.",
"ISO 19111:2007, 4.22, modificado – la primera ocurrencia de las palabras \"semi-mayor\" se han ampliado a \"semieje mayor\"",
"ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003(Adapted from)",
"ISO 2859‑5:2005, 3.4, modified – Original Example has been removed. Note 1 to entry has been added."
The "link" to the reference should only be for the standard. The rest of the text should be in a separate "clause" value.
Here are some patterns to test against: