geomarker-io / codec

Community Data Explorer for Cincinnati
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

adapt flowchart for overview / description of codec #39

Closed cole-brokamp closed 1 year ago

cole-brokamp commented 1 year ago
flowchart TB

    classDef data-source fill:#76BC44,stroke:#333;
    classDef data-user fill:#02AAC8,stroke:#333;
    classDef data-store fill:#9E4679,stroke:#333;
    classDef tool fill:#D9D9D9,stroke:#333;

    jfs{{SNAP / JFS}}:::data-source
    survey{{"Pulse Survey"}}:::data-source
    org{{Community Organization}}:::data-source

    org --> |"(cchmc help)"| ingest
    jfs --> |DeGAUSS| ingest
    survey --> |aggregation| ingest
    acs --> |automation| ingest

    ingest("(meta)data upload UI<br/>automated checks<br/>{CODECtools}<br/>"):::tool
    data[("spatiotemporally <br/> aggregated data <br/> frictionless data package specs")]:::data-store

    ingest --> data
    ingest --> data-catalog-website   

    data-catalog-website("data documentation/<br/>catalog website"):::data-store

    data -->  data-catalog-website
    data --> codec-data

    codec-data("R package to get data<br/>{CODECdata}"):::tool
    codec-data --> data-catalog-website   
    codec-data --> safe-dashboard(SAFE dashboard):::data-user
    codec-data --> data-website("web interface for<br/>data viz/explore/DL"):::data-user
    codec-data --> specific-reports("specific reports/dashboards<br/>(i.e. JFS, SAFE)"):::data-user

    data --> direct-download(direct download):::data-user
    data --> qi-usage(QI):::data-user
    codec-data --> qi-usage   
cole-brokamp commented 1 year ago
flowchart TB

    classDef data-source fill:#76BC44,stroke:#333;
    classDef data-user fill:#02AAC8,stroke:#333;
    classDef data-store fill:#9E4679,stroke:#333;
    classDef tool fill:#D9D9D9,stroke:#333;

    jfs{{government organization}}:::data-source
    cchmc{{"CCHMC research and clinical"}}:::data-source
    acs{{American Community Survey}}:::data-source
    org{{community organization}}:::data-source

    subgraph "{codec} R package"
    ingest("(meta)data ingest, check, harmonize"):::tool
    data[("community-level data \n (tabular data resource)")]:::data-store

    data-catalog-website("interactive data catalog"):::data-store

    org --> |"(cchmc help)"| ingest
    jfs --> |DeGAUSS| ingest
    cchmc --> |aggregation| ingest
    acs --> |automation| ingest

    ingest --> data
    ingest --> data-catalog-website   

safe-dashboard(SAFE dashboard):::data-user
data-website("web interface for<br/>data viz/explore/DL"):::data-user
specific-reports("specific reports/dashboards<br/>(i.e. JFS, SAFE)"):::data-user

direct-download(direct download):::data-user
cole-brokamp commented 1 year ago
flowchart TB

classDef I fill:#E49865,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px;
classDef II fill:#EACEC5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px;
classDef III fill:#CBD6D5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px;
classDef IIII fill:#8CB4C3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px;
classDef V fill:#396175,color:#F6EAD8,stroke:#333,stroke-width:0px;

subgraph source-box [data sources]
    org(community \norganization):::I
    jfs(government \n organization):::I
    cchmc("healthcare \n organization"):::I
    acs("built, natural, and \n social environment"):::I
class source-box II

stage(collection of community-\nlevel data):::I

org --> |"data \n support"| stage
jfs --> |decentralized \n geocoding| stage
cchmc --> |spatiotemporal \n aggregation| stage
acs --> |automatic \n interpolation| stage
stage --> codec-box

subgraph codec-box ["Community Data Explorer for Cincinnati (CoDEC)"]
    ingest("(meta)data harmonization"):::IIII
    data(community-level \n tabular data resource):::IIII
    data-catalog("interactive data catalog\n"):::IIII
    ingest --> data
    data --> data-catalog
    data --> api(data API):::IIII
    api --> bindings(R package \n for accessing data):::IIII
    data-catalog --> download(explore, map, download):::V

class codec-box III

bindings --> dashboard("dashboards and reports"):::V
bindings --> qr(QI & research):::V
bindings --> shiny-codec("Shiny CoDEC"):::V
api ---> anywhere(public access):::V