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Library doesn't see new books in previously added path #388

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add books to arbitrary directory (e.g. /storage/extSdCard/books)
  2. Add directory (Settings -> Directories -> Where to search for books)
  3. Let FBReader scan and find files (works first time)
  4. Add more books to the same arbitrary directory 5a. Look for book in Library. Fail to find it. 5b. Hit "Rescan" in library. Look for book again. Fail to find it.
  5. Navigate to same arbitrary directory and find the book that was added. Open with FBReader. It now shows up in the Library.
techguyone commented 8 years ago

I find by going to File Tree & scrolling up & down a few times, that it acts like a forced refresh, if you don't do that, newly added books don't appear to show anywhere in Library. I don't need to open the book in FBReader for it to be seen. It does suggest the Rescan option doesn't do anything. (It would be nice if every time you opened up Library it did an auto rescan/refresh so anything new would just automagically show up.

I'm not clear what the default behaviour is supposed to be currently, but moving forward, autorefresh seems best. I have a library of 160+ books and they're all fairly small file sizes, I wouldn't think it would be a huge performance hit for an auto refresh.

techguyone commented 8 years ago

I'm having issues now where books are added and show up OK in File Tree, but not all show up in Titles or in Series (despite having the correct metadata)

In my case books 0.5, 1 & 3 show up in Titles & Series, but books 0.5, 1, 2, 3 show up in File Tree (I can open and read the book directly from File Tree) so it does exist.

Once I open book 2 from File Tree it'll then show up in Titles, but book 2 will be in its own misnamed series. The Series name is 'Jack Nightingale' the incorrect book is showing up as 'Jack Nigtingale'

Some sort of bug?

Update: Clearing all data/cache on my phone did the trick, bit of a pain though, shame you can't save your settings and restore them.

dtowell commented 6 years ago

Any progress on this? It would be nice to have a way to re-sync the files and database. I would gladly sacrifice all bookmarks, and progress markers to be able to rebuild the metadata DB by just scanning the file system. Alternatively, a way to easily select multiple files and delete them would be fine (and let them auto-re-add back).