geometer / FBReaderJ

Official FBReaderJ project repository
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Page turning gets confused by multiple fingers #405

Open Grumbel opened 8 years ago

Grumbel commented 8 years ago

To reproduce:

  1. Open a book
  2. Place one finger on the right side of the screen
  3. Place one finger on the left side of the screen
  4. Lift the finger on the right


The program will behave as if the left finger has made a large swipe gesture.

What seems to be happening here is that the position of the right finger gets interpreted as a previous position for the left finger, thus a large finger movement will result. Checking with a touchscreen test program shows that Android itself has no problem telling the left and right fingers apart and identifying them correctly, FBReader however seems to get them mixed up and thus interprets a swipe gesture where there was none.

This problem shows itself frequently while holding a tablet with the left thumb and page turning with a finger from the right hand. If the thumb touches the touchscreen by accident this type of glitch will result.