geometer / FBReaderJ

Official FBReaderJ project repository
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Volume buttons on bluetooth page turner not working properly #508

Open hyegeek opened 3 months ago

hyegeek commented 3 months ago

Trying to use one of those bluetooth pager turners with FBreader is giving me issues. FBreader is setup to use the volume keys to switch pages and the bluedue device does send volume up and down events, but fbreader does not pay any attention to them unless I hold the button down to generate multiple events. At that point, it will move me through the book in the direction of the button I'm holding down.. A single event is just ignored.

The same device is working properly with several other reading apps on the same device, so fbreader seems to be doing something different.

Android FBreader vertsion 3.6.0 (30600002). E-ink poke 3 device ZL-03 Bluetooth Page turn device