geommer / yabar

A modern and lightweight status bar for X window managers.
MIT License
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Bar stays on top of everything fullscreen (i3) #128

Closed soyuka closed 7 years ago

soyuka commented 7 years ago


First of all, big thanks for building this, this is one of the best bar I've tested so far!


I've an issue on i3 with yabar, when I enter full screen mode (mod+f or vlc full screen), the bar stays on top of other windows, an my content get's truncated.

yabar gets started from i3 with exec --no-startup-id yabar, and I've two bars (bottom and top). So that i3 gets the top/bottom margin right, I had to keep two bar{} declarations in the i3 configuration. yabar is executed at the end of the i3 configuration.

I tried without success to use xdo to tweak x-windows orders.


i3-gaps (master) yabar (dev_workspaces) (works lovely <3 thanks @NBonaparte ) archlinux

Related ? I've read this one carefully but I'm not really sure that my issue is related as I've no issues with blocks. might be related if I have to close yabar when entering full screen and start it again on exit. Should I? Any tips on how this should be handled?

I've C abilities and can manually install yabar.


soyuka commented 7 years ago

129 related (duplicate?)

soyuka commented 7 years ago

I've solved this by using a script to toggle yabar and a change in i3 config:

bindsym $mod+f exec "bash ~/.config/i3/ || 1 && i3 fullscreen toggle"
NBonaparte commented 7 years ago

I'll see if this can be fixed internally. I might have a solution for this, but I haven't tested it yet (I'm unfortunately not an i3 user).

NBonaparte commented 7 years ago

I think I fixed this with 63f0bb2, could you check? Sorry for breaking it in the first place :man_facepalming:

soyuka commented 7 years ago

Oh wow okay nice! I'll try this ASAP! What wm are you using?

soyuka commented 7 years ago

fixed thanks <3 that should also fix #130 because I can now remove the i3 fake bars :D.