geommer / yabar

A modern and lightweight status bar for X window managers.
MIT License
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Is there way to force i3 work with yabar as dock? #129

Closed neg-serg closed 7 years ago

neg-serg commented 7 years ago

I've tried both default i3 config and mine.

When I've tried to start yabar with following config: (or any another) yabar did not pulled into bar placeholder.

While dzen2, for example, does. I've tried to create a placeholder with dzen2 and make it fully transparent, but for some reason my i3 does not respect the following snippet:

exec dzen2 -y -1 -h 38 -dock & sleep 0.5s && transset-df --id $(printf '0x%x' $(xdotool search --classname dzen2)) 0
exec yabar -c ~/.config/yabar/main.conf 

if it added in ~/.config/i3/config

Also I've created question at no success

Is that true that yabar developed with i3 reliability in mind?

Any ideas?

Also it looks like yabar did not respect ewmh/i3 hints at all, because of when you get window fullscreen yabar stay there and didn't hide.

NBonaparte commented 7 years ago

Hi, could you provide some screenshots? Also, try using xprop and check if _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE(ATOM) = _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK, and the strut values are correct.

I'll try to fix the window stacking on i3 soon.

NBonaparte commented 7 years ago

I believe this has been fixed since 63f0bb2, please close if it is.

neg-serg commented 7 years ago

Yes, it works well for now, thank you. Sorry for that, I was working a bit...