geomoose / gm3

GeoMoose 3.0 Development. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
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Buffer - Service State Issue #809

Open chughes-lincoln opened 1 year ago

chughes-lincoln commented 1 year ago

If you buffer results and then try to do a buffer around the results of the buffer, it uses buffers the previous feature in addition to the new one.

i.e. if you select Parcel A and do a buffer around it, you get Parcels A, B, and C in your results. If you then try to do a buffer around Parcel C, it does a buffer around Parcels A and C instead of just Parcel C.

theduckylittle commented 1 year ago

I'm not seeing this bug on the main branch.

Can I get some screenshots or a slightly more detailed scenario? I may be just losing something in translation.

chughes-lincoln commented 1 year ago

Your last bullet point (I think) is the discrepancy. You're going back into the select tool to click a feature on the map from your results and buffer that feature. I'm going into the grid results and buffering the feature from there which isn't clearing out the previous selection/buffer.
