geonetwork / core-geonetwork

GeoNetwork is a catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources. It provides powerful metadata editing and search functions as well as an interactive web map viewer. It is currently used in numerous Spatial Data Infrastructure initiatives across the world.
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CSW spatial search results doesn't match with «xml.Search» spatial search #1380

Open rhech2 opened 8 years ago

rhech2 commented 8 years ago


A spatial query performed via the CSW interface geonetwork ( Version : 2.10.3 ) doesn't give the same number of result via the "xml.Search" interface.

This problem seems to affect the records in the BBOX boundary.

Why the results are divergent between the two interfaces ( CSW vs xml.Search ) ?

-- Example:

CSW interface question:

< GetRecords xmlns="" xmlns:csw="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:xsi="" service="CSW" version="2.0.2" maxRecords="30" startPosition="1" resultType="results" outputFormat="application/xml" outputSchema="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> < Query typeNames="gmd:MD_Metadata"> < ElementSetName typeNames="gmd:MD_Metadata">full < Constraint version="1.1.0"> < ogc:Filter xmlns:gml=""> < ogc:And> < ogc:PropertyIsLike escapeChar="\" singleChar="?" wildCard="%"> < ogc:PropertyName>AnyText/ogc:PropertyName < ogc:Literal>tout/ogc:Literal < /ogc:PropertyIsLike> < ogc:BBOX> < ogc:PropertyName>Boundingbox/ogc:PropertyName < gml:Envelope> < gml:lowerCorner>-67.74264809806586 52.178283226513265/gml:lowerCorner < gml:upperCorner>-66.826662990644 52.49838943162674/gml:upperCorner < /gml:Envelope> < /ogc:BBOX> < /ogc:And> < /ogc:Filter> < /Constraint> < /Query> < /GetRecords>

\ CSW Results:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < csw:GetRecordsResponse xmlns:csw="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> < csw:SearchStatus timestamp="2015-10-07T09:43:17" /> < csw:SearchResults numberOfRecordsMatched="357" numberOfRecordsReturned="30" elementSet="full" nextRecord="31"> < gmd:MD_Metadata [...] < /gmd:MD_Metadata> < /csw:SearchResults> < /csw:GetRecordsResponse>

\ Same question with xml.Search:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < request> < any>tout < from>1 < to>30 < westBL>-67.74264809806586 < southBL>52.178283226513265 < eastBL>-66.826662990644 < northBL>52.49838943162674 < /request>

\ xml.Search results -- results doesn't match (357 records vs 379 records ???????):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> < response from="1" to="379" selected="0"> < summary count="379" type="local"> < spatialRepresentationTypes/> < keywords> < keyword count="379" name="orthos_partenariat_route_389_fermont_2013_wms"/> < keyword count="379" name="2013_fermont_route389"/> < keyword count="379" name="images"/> < keyword count="379" name=".par"/> < keyword count="379" name="autre"/> < keyword count="379" name="automne"/> < keyword count="379" name="12:34:56"/> < keyword count="379" name="2013"/> < keyword count="379" name="avion"/> < keyword count="379" name="mission dgig"/> < keyword count="379" name="photo"/> < keyword count="379" name="30cm"/> < keyword count="379" name="tiff_par"/> < keyword count="379" name="imageryBaseMapsEarthCover"/> < keyword count="348" name="2013-10-12"/> < /keywords> < createDateYears/> < types> < type count="379" name="dataset" label="Dataset"/> < /types> < serviceTypes/> < orgNames> < orgName count="379" name="Direction générale de l'information géographique (DGIG)"/> < /orgNames> < /summary> < metadata> [...] < /metadata> < /response>

I need your help!!!



bernhardreiter commented 1 year ago

This report is identical to #1210 and thus shall be closed as a duplicate.

bernhardreiter commented 1 year ago

@rhech2 can you close this issue in favor of your other one #1210?