I'm trying to run geonetwork version 4.4.5 via docker compose.
I'm following the instructions in the README.md.
First I run:
docker compose up -d
In kibana I create a new space called catalogue-monitor
then I run:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.monitoring.yml up --build -d
By looking at the logs in the metricbeat container I find the following error:
2024-10-21 16:13:00 2024-10-21T15:13:00.720Z ERROR instance/beat.go:1027 Exiting: Error importing Kibana dashboards: fail to import the dashboards in Kibana: Error importing directory /usr/share/metricbeat/templates: Failed to import dashboard: Failed to load directory /usr/share/metricbeat/templates/7:
2024-10-21 16:13:00 error loading /usr/share/metricbeat/templates/7/dashboard/Metricbeat-postgresql-overview.json: error dashboard asset: returned 0 to import file: fail to execute the HTTP POST request: Post "http://geonetwork:8080/geonetwork/dashboards/s/catalogue-monitor/api/saved_objects/_import?overwrite=true": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers). Response:
2024-10-21 16:13:00 Exiting: Error importing Kibana dashboards: fail to import the dashboards in Kibana: Error importing directory /usr/share/metricbeat/templates: Failed to import dashboard: Failed to load directory /usr/share/metricbeat/templates/7:
2024-10-21 16:13:00 error loading /usr/share/metricbeat/templates/7/dashboard/Metricbeat-postgresql-overview.json: error dashboard asset: returned 0 to import file: fail to execute the HTTP POST request: Post "http://geonetwork:8080/geonetwork/dashboards/s/catalogue-monitor/api/saved_objects/_import?overwrite=true": net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers). Response:
I also tried to run an older version (4.4.2) and I get a similar error.
I'm trying to run geonetwork version 4.4.5 via docker compose.
I'm following the instructions in the README.md.
First I run: docker compose up -d
In kibana I create a new space called catalogue-monitor
then I run: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.monitoring.yml up --build -d
By looking at the logs in the metricbeat container I find the following error:
I also tried to run an older version (4.4.2) and I get a similar error.
any help would be appreciated.