geoneutrinos / reactors

Port/cleanup of the reactor page as an independent repo
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Safari browser- "control" + "click" #332

Open stdye opened 2 years ago

stdye commented 2 years ago

When the cursor moves over a detector location purple dot marker or a reactor location, the "+" changes to a a hand with a finger pointing at the dot. In my Firefox browser, clicking on the hand pops up a box with the detector or the reactor information and "control" plus "click" pops up the "place detector here" + "place custom core here" + "follow cursor" box. In my Safari browser, simply clicking on the hand again pops up a box with the detector or the reactor information BUT "control" plus "click" pops up BOTH the "place detector here" + "place custom core here" + "follow cursor" box and the detector or the reactor information box.

We should make Safari behave like Firefox.

DocOtak commented 2 years ago

Did some digging on this one this morning. It looks like it is related to this issue:

I was seeing two events fired, a click and a contextmenu event. Looks like they have a fix in, and are working toward a release "soon".

DocOtak commented 2 years ago

This was only partially fixed by the update to leaflet 1.8, I can still reproduce the "control" + "click" behavior.