Open cordmaur opened 1 year ago
mmm... hard to tell without the underlying data. Is it possible at all that the crs
differ between the two? My first instict would be to set
to be sure they're both aligned, but maybe
is the same?
Hi @darribas , here is a code snippet that pulls the raster (small) from the internet.
Besides the problem with the extents, I've noticed that the result with reset_extent=True
is also upside-down. :)
import geopandas as gpd
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray as xrio
import contextily as cx
# get the world from geopandas
world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
# get rain from INPE
# !curl -O
rain = xr.open_dataset('./')['pacum'].squeeze()
# set the CRS as the same from the world (EPSG:4326)
rain =
# save Rain as geotiff to be used in Contextily
rain = rain.rename({'lat': 'y', 'lon': 'x'})'./rain.tif', compress='deflate')
# Open the rain as tiff just for checking
rain_tif = xrio.open_rasterio('./rain.tif')
rain_tif.plot(aspect='equal', figsize=(5, 5))
ax = world.plot(facecolor='none', figsize=(10, 7))
cx.add_basemap(ax=ax, source='./rain.tif', reset_extent=False)'./rain.tif', compress='deflate')
ax = world.plot(facecolor='none', figsize=(10, 7))
cx.add_basemap(ax=ax, source='./rain.tif', reset_extent=True)
I've made some tests to illustrate the problem I am facing. Here is my initial shape (world) and a syntetic raster with a square in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Visualizing it with reset_extent set to False:
If we filter the shape to Brazil (smaller than the raster) and set reset_extent to True, it will visualize correctly the raster.
But if we leave reset_extent = True and tries to visualize the world, it will stretch the raster to the world extents and it has no meaning at all...
Am I missing something here?
Thanks, Mauricio