geopandas / pyogrio

Vectorized vector I/O using OGR
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ENH: seperate environment variable for use_arrow for read versus write? #405

Open theroggy opened 2 months ago

theroggy commented 2 months ago

Not sure if it is a good idea, but since it just popped up in my head...

The environment variable used now to choose between arrow or not is a single one for read and write. However, possibly the write functionality will take longer than the read functionality to stabilize as it is brand new, both in pyogrio and in gdal. Maybe it would be interesting to be able to choose to activate one or the other rather than both?

Or does this have disadvantages somewhere?

jorisvandenbossche commented 2 months ago

Probably depends a bit on who is using this. I think a main use case it to allow using it more easily in tests / CI, and for such a use case I think a single variable is fine.